Btjsal-celled neoplasms are not as common here as upon the face, but are fairly frequently seen. Sequeira,* iii his series of 220 cases, saw nine upon the forehead and twelve upon the temples. In commenting on those of the forehead, he says: "Here the ulcers are usually of the superficial cicatrizing type. They often start just above the root of the nose and extend upward in the frontal region." Crocker, in his specially illustrated book, has a very good cut of a case of this variety.

*Poncet: Quoted by Spiegler.

Haslund: Quoted by Hoffmann and Friboes. * Hoffmann and Friboes: Trans. 7th Inter. Con. e. Syphil., Rome, 1012, 031.

Hoffmann: Deutsch. Med. Wchnschr., 1010, 2366.

Friboes: Beitr. z. Klin. u. Histopathol. der gutart. Hautepltheliome, Karger, Berlin, 1912.

*Krompecher: Der Basalzellenkrebs, Jena. 1903. 11 Sequeira: Brit. Jour. Dermat., 1913, xxv. 172.

Basal celled carcinoma of the forehead

Fig. 72.-Basal-celled carcinoma of the forehead. (Heidlngsfeld's collection).

The tumors originating upon the temples seem to have a special tendency to become fungating. Basal-celled tumors arising in these localities are much commoner than the prickle-celled neoplasms (Fig. 72).