This section is from the book "Malaria, Influenza And Dengue", by Julius Mennaberg and O. Leichtenstern. Also available from Amazon: Malaria, influenza and dengue.
Genus 8: Nyssorhynchus: (A) Legs unspeckled: (1) N. juliginosus (= A. leucopus Donitz): Costa four large and one or more small spots. Mid femora, pale spot near the apex. Hind tarsi three and one fifth pure white. Palpi, apex white, then two narrow bands. (2) N. karwari: One and one fourth hind tarsal segments white. Conveys malaria (Adie). (B) Legs speckled: (3) N. stephensi (syn. = A. metaboles Theobald): No segment of tarsus pure white; legs brown, speckled with white. First long vein has two typical spots beneath the third main spot on the costa. Fringe dark, with pale areas. Palpi two broad apical white bands, one narrow basal. White scales between the last two bands. India. (4) N. macula tus: Resembles N. stephensi, but easily distinguished by tarsi. Last segment of hind tarsi pure white. Hind tarsi broad white bands. Femora, tibiae, and tarsi speckled with creamy bands. Fore and midtarsi, narrow yellow bands. Palpi, four bands, two unequal apical, then a small one, and a fourth nearer the base. India. (5) N. theobaldi: Wing, costa with five spots and an apical spot. Legs brindled with white scales and a large sub apical white patch on the femora. Two and one quarter hind tarsi pure white, then a black band, then a small white one. Palpi, two apical equal white bands, a third narrow one. N. theobaldi v. nag purensis: Two and one half hind tarsi white, tips of palpi black. India. (6) N. maculipalpis: Legs speckled; three and one fifth hind tarsi pure white. Palpi, two white apical equal bands and a third narrow one. Palpi speckled with white. India, Africa. N. maculipalpis v. indiensis: Hind legs not so banded as in the type. (7) N. jamesii: Fore femora and tibiae more or less speckled. Femora and tibiae of hind legs with an apical white spot. Three and one fifth hind tarsi white. Palpi white, apical broad band, and two narrow bands; resembles N. fidiginosus, but easily distinguished by speckled legs. A much smaller and paler mosquito than N. maculipalpis. (8)
White, according to Jones and Liston, who, moreover, do not distinguish between vanus, sinensis, minutus, and niqerrimus.
N. prcetoriensis: Resembles N. maculipalpis, but palpi not mottled, and the two apical bands are further apart. Third hind tarsus has a small black patch near its base. First tarsus (metatarsus) mottled and has a broad white apical band like the second tarsus. Two hind tarsi white. Africa. (9) N. deceptor: Terminal half of proboscis white, terminal half of palpi white, with only two black rings, whereas M. punctulatus has three; distinguished from M. leucosphyrus by having only a small light spot at tibiometatarsal joint and not a broad band. Sumatra. (10) N. willmori: Differs from N. mac ulatus in having many scales on the abdomen (James and Liston). India. (11) N. annulipes: Femora and tibiae banded. Tarsi, basal and apical bands. Palpi, apices of last three segments have white bands; first and second segments have white scales above. Australia. (12) N. masteri: Resembles former, but proboscis pale at the apex in the ?. It is also a smaller species than the former. Australia. (13) N. philippinensis: Pale spot at apex of tibiae. Three and one fifth hind tarsi white. Palpi golden brown, broad apical band, then two narrow basal ones; resembles N. jamesii. Philippine Isles. (14) N. nivipes: Costa white, with four black spots; resembles N. stephensi closely in the wing spots, but the thoracic scales are spindle shaped, not narrow curved, and the legs are not speckled; resembles N. maculatus, but differs in having-(1) Midungues of male not simple; (2) has three and one fifth hind tarsi white.
Genus 9: Cellia: (A) Last hind tarsi white: (1) C. pulcherrima: Three and three quarters hind tarsi white. Panjab. (2) C. bigoti: Three hind tarsi white. Chile. (3) C. pharoensis: One and one third hind tarsi white. (C. albofimbriatus, a variety of this.) Wing fringe uniformly pale. Egypt, Gambia. (4) C. argyrotarsus: Half the hind tarsus white; deep black basal band to last tarsus. Palpi, three bands. West Indies. (5) C. albipes: Half the hind tarsus white. Palpi two bands, conveys malaria (according to Pajos). West Indies and Brazil. (B) Last hind tarsi yellow. (6) C. kochi: Three hind tarsi yellow; thorax with "eye" markings. Malay. (C) Last hind tarsus black. (7) C. squamosa: Africa.
Genus 10: Aldrichia: Al. error: Slightly resembles M. rossii; easily told by the flat abdominal scales.
Genus 11: Lophoscelomyia: L. asiatica: A very small anophe line. Wings five black spots and four yellow costal spots. Malay.
Genus 12: Christy a: Ch. implexa: Fore femora with white spots and a prominent pale band. Hind tarsi black; apex of leg white. Uganda.
We thus have a total of nearly 100 Anophelince. Even at the present day so little advance has been made in the study of the exact distribution of the different genera that it is impossible to say what light, if any, knowledge on this point would throw. Many observers are still content with saying that "the anopheles was found," without proceeding to inquire what genus or species, much less to inquire if the anopheline found was infected or not. To this point we shall return in considering the relation of the Anophelince to malarial en demicity. We may now consider some general points in the natural history of the Anophelince: the ova and the larvae, and finally the adults in relation to endemic malaria .
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mosquito, malaria, influenza, dengue, symptoms, outbreaks, diseases, hemoglobinuria, infections