This section is from the book "Malaria, Influenza And Dengue", by Julius Mennaberg and O. Leichtenstern. Also available from Amazon: Malaria, influenza and dengue.
Yet another feature has been used by Donitz in differentiating species-viz., the shape of the eyes and the shape and width of the portion of the frons intervening between the eyes. The shape of the eyes is determined by counting the columns of facets in the eyes, and the shape of the intra ocular portion by determining whether the sides of the eyes are parallel or converging; whether they are close together or widely separate. Thus in A. maculipennis the number of facets in longitudinal series is 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, etc., and the inner margins of the eyes are parallel. The facets can readily be counted in specimens freshly mounted, but our own experience has been that it very difficult, if not impossible, in old specimens, owing to shrinkage and distortion.
Genus i: Anopheles: Larva, clypeal hairs generally branched. The species may be classified as follows: (A) Costa uniform, wings spotted -(1) A. maculipennis: Wings, field four spots, apex of first tarsal segment spotted. Europe and North America. Transmits malaria . (2) A. crucians: White spots on brown veins; three black spots on sixth vein; tarsi unbanded. North America. (2A) A. eiseni: Resembles A. maculipennis; apices of hind tarsi yellowish. Hill species, Guatemala. (B) Costa spotted. (3) A. punctipennis: Two yellow spots-one at the apex, the second on the apical third; one fringe spot. North America. (4) A. pseudopunctipennis: Wings as in A. punctipennis, but wing fringe with several spots. North America. (4A) A. punctipennis (Say. "Var. A," Theobald): Three costal spots. (4B) A. francis canus: Costa two spots, one apical, pure yellow, the second small, opposite about middle of costa. Wing fringe indistinct spot at all the junctions. Tarsi unbanded. California. (5) A. gigas: Costa two large black spots, length 5 to 6 mm. India. (6) A. lindesayi:
Costa black, apical white spot. Femora have characteristic broad median white band. Hill species, India. (C) Wings unspotted. (7) A. bifurcatus: Thorax with golden hairs arranged so as to leave two broad bare lines on the front part; abdominal hairs golden. 5 to 5.5 mm., 6 mm. Transmits malaria (probably = A. walkeri). Europe. (8) A. algeriensis: Abdominal hairs dull brown. Anterior forked cell shorter than in A. bifurcatus. 9 3.5 to 4.5 mm., cf 5 to 5.5 mm. The lateral scales of the veins are longer and finer than in A. bifurcatus, also the anterior and posterior cross veins are in the same line in both sexes, whereas in A. bifurcatus the posterior is internal in the 9, the anterior is internal in the cf. (9) A. ni gripes: A black species. No bands on tarsi. Europe (? North America). (10) A. immaculatus: Ash gray in color; slight apical bandings to tarsi. Palpi and proboscis lighter at apex. Madras, India. (11) A. aitkeni: Uniformly dark, no bands on palpi or legs. Goa, India. (12) A. stigmaticus: Light brown; tarsi unbanded. Australia. (13) A. annulipalpis: Tarsi banded; last tarsus pure white. South America.
Genus 2: Myzomyia: Clypeal hairs of larvae simple in those hitherto described.
Group I: Small dark mosquitos, breeding in fresh natural waters, canals, streams, etc. (1) M. funesta: Costa with four white spots. Basal portion of costa has also pale interruptions; wing fringe pale spots at the end of all the veins except the sixth. Palpi, three bands; basal one further from the middle one than the apical. A variable species. Third long vein may be dark. Resemble M. listoni and M. rhodesiensis. Especially active in transmitting malaria in West Africa, etc. (2) M. listoni: Third long vein light; wing fringe, four or more light spots. Palpi, two broad apical bands further apart than in M. funesta. One narrower basal band. Transmits malaria in India. (3) M. aconita: No dark spot at the commencement of the third long vein. Costa four spots; light interruption in basal spot. Differs from M. listoni in palpi having four bands. Wing fringe several pale areas. Tarsi banded. Anterior forked cell longer and narrower than posterior. Sumatra, Java. Probably the same as A. formosaensis I. (4) M. culicifacies: Third longitudinal vein dark; wing fringe, three spots at most. Palpi, three equal bands-two at the joints, one at the apex. Attitude, " culex "-like. Transmits malaria in India. (5) M. leptomeres: Base of first long vein white; costa, two yellow spots, apex pale, thus distinguished from M. hebes. Wing fringe, pale areas at all the veins. India. (6) M. hebes: Resembles M. rhodesiensis; wing costa four spots, wing fringe seven light areas. One spot on sixth vein. Palpi first and second segments covered with white scales; end of third segment dark; fourth segment white. Description by recorder incomplete. East Africa.
Group II: Larger mosquitos than those of group I; lighter, wings not so many dark scales. (7) M. albirostris: Characterized by the proboscis apically banded with white scales to about half its 'length; a very small species, 2.5 p. Malay. (8) M. longipalpis: Palpi long, thin, three narrow bands. Wing costa black, four almost equal yellow spots, wings mostly brown scales. Hind legs only banded with narrow basal and apical bands. British Central Africa. (9) M. ludlowii: Probably a spotted variety of M. rossii; palpi broad apical white band; two other smaller bands; the two distal bands close together. Wing costa, four large spots; one or two small basal spots. Femora, tibia?, and metatarsi, especially in hind legs, spotted with yellow. Tarsi broad, apical, and basal pale banding, especially in hind legs. Philippine Isles. (10) M. rossii (= A. vagus Donitz): Palpi, apical band broader than in M. ludlowii. The second large spot on the costa has the characteristic T shape, but varies, even in opposite wings of the same mosquito. Slight apical and basal bands to some of the tarsi. India, Malay, Egypt (?). (11) M. lutzii: Characterized by the linear ornamentation on the thorax and five marked bands on the fore and mid- metatarsi. Wing costa three distinct spots, two smaller ones. (12) M. elegans: Palpi, four white bands, characterized by a large tibia-metatarsal band on the hind legs. Differs from M. leucosphyrus in having four, not six, spots on the sixth vein. Resembles N. stephensi; differs in palpi, has four, not three, spots on the sixth vein. (13) M. tesselatum: Distal half of proboscis pale, with a narrow black ring near the apex. Costa, four large, four small spots. Fore tarsi basally and apically banded; mid and hind tarsi, apically only. Thorax, two dark spots in front and a dark area near the scutellum. Sixth vein, four spots. Malay. (14) M. punctulatus: Only tip of proboscis pale. Costa, four large spots and several small spots. Sixth vein three spots; closely resembles M. tesselatum, but has not the thoracic markings. Malay. (15) M. leucosphyrus: Proboscis dark; six spots on sixth vein; resembles two previous species, distinguished by prominent tibio metatarsal band and by the prominent median dark spot on the costa. (16) M. impunctus: Costa four small dark spots. Fringe spotted. Sixth vein three spots; veins as a whole but few spots. Doubtful species. Egypt.
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mosquito, malaria, influenza, dengue, symptoms, outbreaks, diseases, hemoglobinuria, infections