This section is from the book "Malaria, Influenza And Dengue", by Julius Mennaberg and O. Leichtenstern. Also available from Amazon: Malaria, influenza and dengue.
Genus 9: Gilesia: Resembles Culex and Stegomyia; distinguished by-(1) Scutellum has small flat scales, a few spindle scales; (2) head, broad flat spindle scales; (3) basal joint of antennae hairy and scaly; (4) claws short and thick, with a blunt tooth; (5) wing scales like those of Tceniorhynchus. Species one.
Genus 10: Lasioconops: (1) Head, scales as in Culex; (2) basal joint of antennse a few scales; (3) abdomen has large, projecting, flat scales with deeply dentate apices, giving a ragged appearance. Species one.
Genus 11: Melanoconion: Distinguished from Culex by the dense broad scales on the costa and apex of the wing, and by the black, spine like scales along the upper border. Small dark mosquitos. Species six.
Genus 12: Grabhamia: Allied to Culex and Tceniorhynchus. Palpi in ? 4 segments. Apical segment minute. Penultimate segments long and thick. Wing scales not so long or dense as in Tceniorhynchus. Wing scales mottled. Wings short and stumpy. Legs mottled and spotted. Species ten.
Genus 13: Acartomyia : Allied to Culex and Grabhamia. Distinguished from Grabhamia by the flat, irregularly disposed scales all over the head; from Culex, by the palpi in the ; the two terminal segments and the apex of the antipenultimate swollen. Terminal segment club shaped. Ragged appearance of head well marked. Species one.
Genus 14: Taeniorhynchus: Palpi have 5 segments in the ,. the fifth minute. Characterized by the wing scales, thick, elongated scales ending with a broad sloping convexity or blunt point. Median linear vein scales often absent. Proboscis generally banded. Species about sixteen.
Genus 15: Mansonia (syn. Panoplites): Palpi 4 segments in , longer than one third the proboscis. Characterized by the dense wing scales, broad and asymmetric. No median scales; resembles
Aedeomyia, but the short palpi in the male of the latter distinguish it. Species eight.
Genus 16: Katageiomyia: Head, irregular flat scales, a few narrow curved on nape, also numerous upright forked. Palpi short in the , 3 segments, the last as long as the two basal ones. Palpi in long, but not nearly so long as proboscis. Thorax narrow, curved scales. Midlobe of scutellum, small flat scales, narrow curved on lateral lobes. Differs from Stegomyia in-(1) Having narrow curved scales on back of head; (2) narrow curved scales on lateral lobes of scutellum.
Genus 17: Macleaya: Resembles closely Stegomyia, but differs in having-(1) Narrow curved scales on the center of the head and (2) on the lateral lobes of the scutellum. Species one.
Genus 18: Hodgesia (probably an Aedeomyina); Palpi in very short, apparently one jointed. Head clothed with flat scales. Resembles superficially Stegomyia. Characterized by the lateral vein scales on the wing. They are long and nearly overlap those of contiguous veins. The apices of the scales have marked lateral spines. Species one.
Genus 19: Scutomyia: Differs from Stegomyia in having narrow curved scales on head, and from Macleaya in having the scutellum entirely clothed with flat scales. From Leicesteria it differs in having all scutellar scales flat. Species one-Malay.
Genus 20: Danielsia: Distinguished from Macleaya and Scutomyia by the narrow, curved scutellar scales and from Katageiomyia by the long male palpi. Species one-Malay.
Genus 21: Eretmapodites: Head, flat and upright forked scales. Scutellum with flat scales on midlobe. Palpi in four jointed, in five jointed, long, thin, and hairless. Last two hind tarsi in cf densely scaled, forming a paddle in one species. Wing scales long and rather thick. Species two.
Genus 22: Finlaya: Three ventral abdominal scale tufts. Scutellum four median bristles. Wing scales large, broad, and pyriform. Species two.
Genus 23: Howardina: Palpi 4 segments, apical one minute, not mammilliform; resembles Mdes. Scutellum 4 bristles.
Genus 24: Skusea: Head, flat scales only, anterior and posterior forked cells densely scaled. Palpi in 3 segments. Scutellum 6 bristles and narrow curved scales. Species three.
Genus 25: Hidecoetomyir: Head, flat scales, with a marked median area of narrow curved scales. Scutellum, with a roset of flat and somewhat spindle shaped scales on midlobe. Scutellar scales rounded apically. Distinguished from Stegomyia by the head and scutellar scales.
Genus 26: Leicesteria (unpublished).
Genus 1: Joblotia: Postscutellum (metanotum), with a tuft of chaetae and with flat scales. Clypeus and base of antennae bristly. Second long vein carried nearly to the base of the wing. Second posterior forked cell very large; wing densely scaled, but the scales are shorter than those of Tceniorhynchus. Species one.
Genus 1: Heptaphlebomyia: Distinguished from Culex by the presence of the seventh long vein. Species one.
Subfamily Aedeomyince: Palpi very short in both sexes-much shorter than the proboscis.
Genus 1: Deinocerites (syn. Brachiomyia): Characterized by antennae in much longer than the proboscis. Second segment as long as the 3 terminal segments. Antennae scaled. Antennae pilose in and longer than the whole body. Species two.
Genus 2: Aedes: The narrow curved scales on the head form a broad median band only, the other scales flat. Scutellum, narrow curved scales and 6 bristles. Palpi in $ 4 segments. Apical joint minute and mammilliform. There is a trace of a fifth segment. Species two.
Genus 3: Aedimorphus (probably a Culicine): Head, chiefly flat scales, narrow curved behind. Scutellum, flat scales and 8 (?) bristles. No flat thoracic scales, as in Uranotcenia. Species one.
Genus 4: Verrallina (probably a Culicine): Head, as in Skusea. Palpi, 2 segments (trace of a third), apical segment large. Scutellum, narrow cuived scales and 4 bristles. Species three.
Genus 5: Ficalbia: Head scales, almost all flat, no narrow curved scales. Distinguished from Uranotcenia by thoracic scales being narrow curved ones. Scutellum, flat scales. Palpi, 2 segments. Species two.
Genus 6: Uranotcenia (probably a Culicine): Head, flat scales; upright forked scales may or may not be present. Scutellum flat scales. Thorax narrow curved and flat scales. Forked cells small, anterior smaller than posterior. Metallic scales at base of the wings. Brilliant metallic mosquitos, stouter than des. Species fourteen.
Genus 7: Mimomyia: Resembles Uranotcenia. No flat scutellar or thoracic scales. Forked cells larger than in Uranotcenia. No metallic scales at base of the wings. Species two.
Genus 8: Aedeomyia: Distinguished from Mdes by-(1) Head scales upright, fan shaped; clypeus scaly; (2) thorax, broad, flat spindle scales; (3) scutellum, broad flat scales; (4) legs densely scaled; (5) wings densely scaled, as in Mansonia; also with long lateral scales. Species three.
Genus 9: Haemagogus: Distinguished from Mdes by the palpi having 5 segments in both sexes. Head covered with flat scales; brilliant metallic (blue) mosquitos. Species two.
Genus 10: Wyeomyia: Has chaetse on postscutellum (metanotum). Head, flat scales; thorax, spindle and flat scales; scutellum, flat scales; palpi short, proboscis not so long as whole body. Species two.
Genus 11: Phoniomyia: Distinguished from Wyeomyia-(1) By wing scales, as in Tceniorhynchus; (2) proboscis longer than the whole body. Species two.
Genus 12: Dendromyia: Distinguished from Wyeomyia by-(1) Scutellar scales, small, flat, rounded apically; (2) wings more densely scaled than in Phoniomyia; (3) proboscis moderately long. Species five.
Genus 13: Runchomyia: Characterized-(1) By frons projecting as a blunt spine; (2) proboscis as long as the body in the ; (3) ventral apical tuft of. bristles; (4) wing scales, rather broad, species one.
Genus 14: Sabethes: Distinguished from Wyeomyia by the asymmetric wing scales. One or more legs with dense, paddle like structures in both sexes. Third long vein carried through into the basal cell. Posterior cross vein nearer the apex than the mid in the Brilliant metallic mosquitos! Species four.
Genus 15: Sabethoides: Distinguished from Sabethes-(1) By smaller palpi; (2) unpaddled legs. Species one.
Genus 16: Goeldia: Postscutellum (metanotum) has chaetse and scales; wing scales dense, elongated, as in Runchomyia; proboscis short and thick; not as long as body; palpi in one third the length of the proboscis; in quite short. Species one.
Genus 17: Limatus: Characterized by its proboscis bent in the middle, densely scaled at the bend. Species one.
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