This section is from the book "Malaria, Influenza And Dengue", by Julius Mennaberg and O. Leichtenstern. Also available from Amazon: Malaria, influenza and dengue.
These have been described by several writers among the complications of malaria . We have a record of such complications from Weber. Liel mentions an intermittent otitis as a form of malaria. It begins with sharp pain in the ear, coming on at night, a chill, sensations of fullness and ringing in the ears, and vertigo. These symptoms are followed by sweating, and by morning the condition has passed. The subsequent evening, or the second one after, there is a repetition of these symptoms, only in greater intensity. An exudation may now be found in the tympanic cavity. The tragus is insensitive to pressure. Puncture of the tympanum or spontaneous rupture does not relieve, but quinin cures.
Voltolini reported cases of an intermittent neuralgia of the ear cured by quinin: intermittent otalgia. We have only to add that in none of these cases was absolute proof brought forward to show that they were due to malarial infection. The intermittence of the paroxysms, the effect of quinin, and the now and then described tumors of the spleen, are by no means sufficient, as we have previously insisted. Only a positive blood examination, by excluding every accidental complication, can be regarded as convincing.
Transitory loss of both of these senses during malarial attacks has been occasionally observed.
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mosquito, malaria, influenza, dengue, symptoms, outbreaks, diseases, hemoglobinuria, infections