Thus the melancholic lover burns with a secret and smouldering fire which may prompt to murder, suicide, insanity, or, conversely, the very highest flights of poetic imagination; while the phlegmatic are cold, insensible, cautious and methodical; giving far greater heed to selfish interests than to the passionate impulses of sexuality.

Some phrenologists teach1 that the sexual feeling has its center in the cerebellum; and the observation is seemingly borne out by the fact that persons with the back of the head, and the neck, largely developed are usually 'The third volume of Gall's Sur les Fonctions du Cerveau is devoted, for the moat part, to an examination of this subject; and Möbius, who was probably the first to set in motion the present counter-current of opinion in reference to the great phrenologist's teaching, very ably and critically, though, as H. Ellis remarks, "somewhat sympathetically," reviews the groundwork of Gall's belief in Schmidt's Jahrbücher der Medicin, 1900, vol. ccxevn, to which the reader is respectfully referred for further information on the subject of far greater sexual passion than those in whom such physical prominences do not exist. The same observation has been made in regard to animals;1 while, although the relation of the lesser brain to the sexual impulse, as first set forth by Gall, has been strongly criticised by Mobius and other later writers,1 it is a well-known fact that disease of the cerebellum docs impair or destroy the sexual desire; and, equally, that stimulation of the same organ heightens that desire in exact proportion.

Carpenter mentions the case of a man whose sexual proclivities had always been under normal control, but who, through inflammation of the cerebellum, developed an intractable satyriasis before death; and another instance of a young officer who, falling from his horse, received a blow on the back of the head which made him impotent for life.* Thus it would seem that, notwithstanding the contrary trend of modern physiological teaching, there are yet sufficient facts within our reach—one being that heaviness and dullness of the back of the head which we have all felt after severe sexual indulgence—-to warrant us in believing that the cerebellum docs in some way influence the amorous and voluptuous passions. This physiological point, however, is not a part of our present inquiry.

1 Comp. Darwin, "Descent of Man;" Johnston, "Relation of Menstruation to the Reproductive Functions," and Wallace, "Tropical Nature."