With these the present work has little concern. It aims to deal rather with those inborn sexual anomalies which, while in-veterately hostile to social morals, as well as law, furnish absolutely no comprehensible guide to the jurist in determining their character. While, according to Baer, fifty per cent, of all crime comes from alcohol; while three-fourths of this, in drunkards, is against the person, and only one-fourth against property ; and while the exact reverse is true of criminal recidivists, yet it is most with the latter class that we are concerned, since it is to the latter class that sexual inverts, sadists, masochists, all the serious offenders against the laws of chastity, belong. The born sadist, masochist, urning, necrophilism is wholly teratological; a sexual monster; but, as Garofalo well says, "a teratologics! characteristic may arise from a deviation in utero—a real disease of the egg." Hence he insists on the elimination of this class from society—preferably by perpetual detention—as wholly beyond the scope of possible reformation. As to our present carcerial system of treatment for this class of criminals, it may well be, as Be ranger suggests, that prisons and punishments only aid in making recidivists.*