This section is from the book "Human Sexuality", by J. Richardson Parke. Also available from Amazon: Human Sexuality.
In most inverted women will be observed a certain masculinity, either of voice, dress or manner, or in all three, which may be so subtle as to escape the observation of all except the physician, or other student of psychology, and which is always wanting in women to whom they are attracted. In girls who whistle, who have peculiar raucous voices, indulging habitually in slang, loose gestures, and other masculine habits, inversion, while it may not be open or perfectly developed, may always be suspected.
But even hero the need of the sexual opposite is operative, demanding in the object of lesbianism exactly contrary qualities to those mentioned. Indeed, this law frequently expresses itself in attraction between women of different colors, as I have personally known it to exist between whites and blacks; and, as Kocher remarks, is the custom among the Arabs, where the lesbian friend of a woman is commonly a European. Lorin noted the same peculiarity in the Chinese, and the Annamites; the former of whom are usually active, and the latter passive pederasts.
As to physical abnormalities among female inverts the evidence seems almost negative; although in those whom I have had the opportunity to examine, I have found confirmation of Ellis's view, or more properly the view of one of his correspondents,1 that an excessive growth of hair on the legs is fairly typical. I have also observed, along with frequent facial asymmetry, a certain dreamy, romantic expression of countenance, together with that general "scrawniness" of arms, legs and breasts, which their deviation from the normal would naturally lead us to expect. I have known one or two in which the feminine rotundity of face and form was preserved; but as a rule female inverts will rarely pas3 as "beauties;" while with males the exact reverse seems to be the case, many of those whom I have met having been remarkable, not only for classic regularity of feature, but, a very soft and charming facial play of intelligence.
Among the characters exploited in Mrs. Norman's Women Adventurers, there seems to be no trace of actual inversion; the adoption of male garments and manners being apparently prompted by the contrary motive of attracting masculine interest.
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sexuality, reporduction, genitals, love, female, humans, passion