We come now to consider the question of love as it relates to sexual choice; for although the latter has been shown to be largely influenced by beauty, it has been equally shown that beauty is almost wholly a question of taste and custom; while love, both sexual and of kindred, is common to the whole race of man. While it cannot be denied that beauty of face more frequently excites love than any other personal characteristic, yet it is equally undeniable that a vast number of marriages occur where it is not a dominating factor; the highest type of happiness, probably, more frequently arising from those unions entered into on purely moral or affinitative grounds. Of course the idea of beauty is not wholly excluded by the fact that physical beauty is wanting. There may be a moral, or psychological beauty, perceivable only to the eye which forms it, perhaps; but, notwithstanding the exceptions, those unions are most apt to be permanent and happy in which physical beauty combines with high moral worth. Perfect sexual love can only result from a perfect union; namely, physical and psychological fitness; and to secure this, reason and judgment must be summoned to the aid of the sexual sense. True love, unlike Jonah's gourd, does not spring up in a night. It is the growth of years, like everything else that is valuable and permanent. Its seed being an original perfect sexual adaptability, it is nourished and fructified by harmony of disposition, sympathy, companionship, mutual forbearance, unity of sentiment, and willing discharge of duty; growing stronger, purer, holier and more beautiful, through the days, months and years of the earthly pilgrimage; until, pruned of its dead leaves of selfishness, and watered by the tears of common joys and afflictions, it blossoms out at last into that great overshadowing tree of divine love of which it is a part.