In a pamphlet by Edward Carpenter, of England, sympathy is claimed for homosexuality, on the ground that its laws are precisely those of heterosexuality, only reversed; and Raffalovich, regarding congenital inversion as a large element in human life, takes somewhat the same stand, supporting his view by quoting the high mental and moral characters of many of those figuring in the role of homosexualists. Among these, he mentions Alexander the Great, Virgil, the princes Eugene and Conde, Socrates, Pindar, Pheidias, and Epaminondas;* while the author of "Psy— chopathia Sexualis," referring, in his preface, to the many communications he received from "these step-children of Nature," remarks that "the majority of the writers are men of high intellectual and social position, and often possess very keen emotions."

1 He would be a sorry anatomist, as I intimated at the beginning, whom aesthetic distaste for the fetor of the dissecting-room would deter from following out his course of anatomical research; and while trying to soften the repulsive features of my subject, and with no purpose of delivering a series of popular lectures on pornography. 1 am persuaded that only the unintelligent reader will see in these pages anything to outrage his sense of conventional prudery, the nauseating after-taste being inseparable from the very nature of the medicine.