This section is from the book "Holistic Medicine", by Shriniwas J. Kashalikar.
39) Rao J.S et al, BS L & yoga, I.J.PP., Ann Con. 80 Abstracts.
40) Smith C.EM man, PP38 -39.
41)PalPaIeshB .Stung Theory', 2001 -OctSS,PP 14-21, 74.
42) Jampolsky G, Health & Nutrition, Dec 91, PP 77 85.
43) Crick, liffie$ of India, Decembers, 1991.
44) Iyengar BK.S., Light on Yoga.
45) Hathayogapradika, Swatmaram.
46) Patanjaliyogasutra.
47) Upanishadas viz. Ishavasyopanishad, Ke no parus had, Mandukoyopamshad, Shnmad Bhagavad Gita, Dnyaneshvan, Dasabodha, Shn Guru chais tra Dr Shnruwas Jan ardan Kashalikar.
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Over 200 guest lectures and public speeches, including those in medical colleges and research institutions for staff and students.
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M B. B S ., [Octoberl973, Pbona University] M. D . [Decemberl9S0, Bombay University, with rank] FICG, [Fellow of the Indian College of Gerontology, Bombay].
F F F B. M S., [Foreign Faculty Fellow in Basic Medical Sciences [Medical University of South Carolina, and:
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