A man aged thirty-three died of enteric fever. In the wall of the stomach, close to the pyloric orifice, there was a cystic tumour the size and shape of a walnut. The tumour projected both externally beneath the peritoneum and internally beneath the mucous membrane, having perforated the muscular coat of the organ. It thus possessed the shape of an hour-glass. Internally its size was sufficient to completely occlude, as a valve, the pyloric orifice; but by pressure the fluid might be emptied into the subperitoneal half of the cyst, when the mucous membrane would hang loose. With the finger the constricted orifice of communication between the two halves of the cyst might easily be felt. There were no signs of inflammation about the cyst, nor were its mucous or serous investments at all thickened. When opened the cyst was found to contain about half an ounce of an opaque pinkish fluid, glittering with plates of cholesterine. No signs of hydatid could be detected.-Sloane, reported by Hutchinson.

In the following case a blow on the abdomen appears to have been the cause of the disease :