Loss of colour has long been recognised as one of the most striking features of malignant disease, and extreme pallor of the lips and conjunctivae is always a prominent symptom of the gastric complaint. The anaemia is usually most pronounced when the growth has undergone ulceration or has given rise to metastases in the liver and other viscera. It is also a marked feature in cases which present a constant elevation of temperature. An intense form, which is accompanied by a lemon tint of the skin and is closely comparable to that of idiopathic or pernicious anaemia, is met with in about 18 per cent, of all cases. The changes which occur in the blood are partly clue to the absorption of the chemical products of the new growth, but chiefly, we believe, to frequent small haemorrhages, since in almost every case of profound anaemia there is either a history of repeated haematemesis or the contents of the stomach when withdrawn by a tube constantly contain altered blood (p. 121). The total quantity of blood in the body becomes gradually reduced as the disease progresses, and its density also diminishes. This latter feature is particularly noticeable when the haemoglobin percentage is very low (Schmalz, Lyonnet).