This section is from the book "Trees And Tree-Planting", by James S. Brisbin. Also available from Amazon: Trees and Tree Planting.
This tree is found from the New England States to Florida. In the "West it is found in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Missouri; and Bryant claims to have found small trees among the sand - hills at the south end of Lake Michigan. In St. Louis considerable quantities of this lumber were brought from the Gasconade Biver and sold under the name of Gasconade pine. Michaux claims for this tree, which grows to the height of fifty or sixty feet, that " the concentrical circles of the wood are six times as numerous in a given space as those of the loblolly or pitch pines." It grows most abundantly in the poorest soils. Its heart is fine grained and moderately resinous, which renders it compact without great weight. Its chief uses are in flooring, and for the masts, yards, and decks of vessels. The tree is of moderately slow growth. I would recommend the yellow pine not only on account of its qualities as a timber tree, but also on account of its beauty, its limbs forming from the top a regular cone.
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