This is one of our most lofty trees. It is found almost everywhere east of the Mississippi, although in some sections it is by no means abundant. It is mostly found on soils of moderate fertility. It is used wherever strength, compactness, or durability are wanted. It is next to the live-oak in value. I would here call the attention of the landowners of Illinois to the rapid destruction of the white oak in their state, and would mildly intimate that they will run short of timber if they do not take means to stop the wholesale destruction. The white oak is one of the slowest growers, but does not slacken its growth as it becomes larger.

The Post Oak

This tree, which grows to the height of about forty feet, is met with in a soil of yellow, clayey loam. It is inclined to branch, and seldom or never furnishes timber of any length. Its acorns are small and sweet. The wood is more durable than the white oak; it is strong, fine-grained, and of a yellowish color. It is used in the construction of posts, wagon-wheels, etc.