This section is from the book "Trees And Tree-Planting", by James S. Brisbin. Also available from Amazon: Trees and Tree Planting.
This is either a small tree or a large shrub, but usually the latter; it reaches the height of from twelve to thirty feet. Its flowers are small and of a fine pink color; they cover the tree all over, and present quite a beautiful appearance. The flowers are succeeded by a red berry, which contains the seed. The plant is easily propagated by simply sowing the seed in ground scraped over with a rake or a hoe. There is a great similarity between the red-bud of Europe and the red-bud of this country, but they are easily distinguished by the heart-shaped leaves of the American variety, and the less number of leaves and flowers. The bark of the young trees is used to dye wool of a nankin color. The French Canadians use the flowers in salads and pickles, and, from their agreeable acid taste, both the flowers and the buds may be fried in butter and eaten the same as the siliquastrum. The flower-buds and pods may be pickled in vinegar.
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