This section is from the book "A Few Suggestions On Tree Planting", by C. S. Sargent.
The Finest Hickories are not produced in Massachusetts, although in the western part of the State, especially in the valley of the Connecticut, and in other favorable situations, the natural growth of this tree is fine enough to warrant its extensive cultivation. The hickories should be cultivated in the same manner as recommended for the ash, the young plants being equally valuable for hoop-poles, walking-sticks, and similar purposes; while the lumber cut from the large trees brings a higher price than any other produced in the northern States. It is used extensively in carriage-building and for axe handles, in which form it is carried all over the world. Hickory makes better fuel than any other wood with which we are acquainted, and is always the standard by which the value of other woods for this purpose is estimated. The best hickory is worth, in the Boston market at the present time. $100 the 1,000 feet. In the form of firewood it now seldom comes to the Boston market, where it readily commands, however, $16 the cord, and in nearly every part of the State it is worth from $8 to $10 a cord for curing hams and bacon, for which purpose no other wood supplies its place. The shagbark hickory (Carya alba, Nutt.), which also produces the finest fruit, and the pignut hickory (Carya portina, Nutt.), are the most valuable species for cultivation in Massachusetts.
In the valley of the Connecticut the American elm develops its noblest proportions, and there possibly earns the title of the "most magnificent vegetable of the temperate zone," bestowed on it by the younger Michaux. Except, however, in very favorable situations, where its roots can find their way in deep, cool soil, supplied with abundant moisture, the American elm is far from a beautiful tree. In the situations I have described as being favorable to it, the American elm should be largely planted, not only on account of its beauty, rapid growth, and long life, but for the value of its wood, which has many uses, the most important being its employment for the hubs of carriage-wheels.
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