These two vegetables are very similar in form and habit of growth. Broccoli is a hardy vegetable, and it is obtained in successions for winter and spring use by making sowings from March to May. It demands a firm soil which was heavily manured for the preceding crop ; hence it follows admirably upon autumn sown Onions. If the plants are set out in loose, rich, deep land, such as is especially suitable for Cauliflowers, the growth is too rapid in autumn and the consequent soft growth will not withstand the rigours of the winter. On the contrary plants set with a dibber on firm ground grow slowly and hardily and rarely suffer. The distance of planting varies somewhat with the variety, eighteen by twenty-four inches usually sufficing. As has been suggested Cauliflower must have a rich and friable soil as rapid progress is desirable. Seeds should be sown in March and the plants placed in their permanent positions in July. The heads are ready in the autumn. Where summer Cauliflower are desired, the sowings must be made in August, and transplanting should take place as soon as the plants are large enough to be moved. Autumn Giant is the finest variety for general use, and the plants should be allowed twenty-four inches in all directions.

General Notes On The Culture Of The Cabbage Family

Great care must be taken to sow the seeds and move the young plants in the proper season ; neglect of these considerations often means a poor, worthless crop. Frequently Cabbages run to seed or " bolt." This may be due to poorness of the soil, or to allowing the plants to remain crowded in the seed or nursery beds.

Cole worts. This is an exceedingly useful member of the family, for the plants grow rapidly and turn in in September when the summer cabbages are passed. Seeds should be sown in June or July, the young plants moved in August, a distance of twelve inches being allowed in all directions.

Cultural Table


Time to Sow. Time to transplant.

When ready.

Cabbage. For Spring

July & Aug. October

April, May.

For Summer

Mar. & April May



Mar. or April July

Autumn & Winter.


Mar. or April July

Winter & onwards.

Brussels Sprouts

Mar. or April July

Autumn & Winter.


Feb. to May July

Winter & Spring.


Apr. or May July


Coleworts, Rosette

June & July August

Sept. & Oct.