This section is from the book "Landscape Gardening", by Andrew Jackson Downing. Also available from Amazon: Landscape Gardening.
List of Roses recommended by Prof. A. G. Beal, for New York and the Northeastern states (Bailey's Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture; V: 3009). See page 261.
Alfred Colomb, A. K. Williams, Anna de Diesbach, Baron de Bonstetten, Baroness Rothschild, Captain Christy, Captain Hayward, Clio, Dr. O'Donel Browne, Duke of Edinburgh, Duke of Teck, Frau Karl Druschki, General Jacqueminot, George Arends, Gloire de Chedane Guinoisseau, Gloire Lyonnaise, Hugh Dickson, J. B. Clark, John Hopper, Lady Helen Stewart, Madam Gabriel Luizet, Magna Charta, Margaret Dickson, Marshall P. Wilder, Mrs. John Laing, Mrs. R. G. Sharman-Crawford, Oscar Cordel, Paul Neyron, Prince Camille de Rohan, Ulrich Brunner.
Antoine Rivoire, Augustine Guinoisse, British Queen, Caroline Testout, Chateau de Clos Vougeot, Chrissie Mackellar, Dean Hole, Dorothy Page Roberts, Duchess of Sutherland, Duchess of Westminster, Earl of Warwick, Edith Part, Etoile de France, Francis Scott Key, Frau Lilla Rautenstrauch, Geoffrey Henslow, George Dickson, Grace Molyneux, Gruss an Teplitz, Gustav Gruner-wald, Hector MacKenzie, Irish Brightness, Jonkheer J. L. Mock, Kaiserin Augusta Victoria, Killarney, Killarney Queen, Konigin Carola, Lady Alice Stanley, Lady Ashtown, La France, Laurent Carle, Lieutenant Chaure, Madame Jules Grolez, Madame Hector Leuillot, Madame Segond Weber, Marquise de Sinety, Mevrouw Dora Van Tets, Monsieur Joseph Hill, Mrs. A. R. Waddell, Mrs. Wakefield, Christie-Miller, Old-Gold, Prince de Bulgarie, Queen Mary, Simplicity, Souvenir du President Carnot, Souvenir de Gustav Prat, Sunburst, Viscountess Folkestone, Wellesley, White Killarney, Willowmere.
Arthur R. Goodwin, Louise Catherine Bres-lau, Lyon, Madame Ruau, Rayon d'Or, Soleil d'Or.
Bordure, Catherine Zei-met, Cecile Brunner, Clothilde Soupert, Ellen Poulsen, George Elgar, Gruss an Aachen, Leonie Lamesch, Louise Walter, Madame Jules Gouchault, Maman Turbat, Marie Brissonet, Marie Pavie, Mignonette, Mosella, Mrs. W. H. Cutbush, Schneekopf, Triomphe Orleanais.
Blanche Moreau, Comtesse de Murinais, Crested Moss, Crimson Glove, Princess Adelaide.
Amy Robsart, Anne of Geierstein, Brenda, Catherine Seyton, Edith Bellenden, Flora Mclvor, Green Mantle, Jeannie Deans, Julie Mannering, Lady Penzance, Lord Penzance, Lucy Ashton, Lucy Bertram, Meg Merrilies, Minna, Rose Bradwardine.
Austrian Copper, Harrison's Yellow, Persian Yellow.
Beauty of Rosemawr, Burbank, Caroline Marniesse, Champion of the World, Hermosa, Mrs. Paul, Souvenir de la Malmaison.
Madame Plantier, Rosa Mundi, York and Lancaster.
Agnes Emily Carman, Conrad Ferdinand Meyer, Madame Georges Bruant, Madame Lucien Villeminot, Nova Zembla, Perfection l'Hay, Blanc Double de Coubert.
Baltimore Belle, Christine Wright, Climbing American Beauty, Countess M. H. Chotek, Dr. W. Van Fleet, May Queen, Prairie Queen, Ruby Queen, Tausendschon, W. C. Egan.
Count Zeppelin, Crimson Rambler, Dawson, Dorothy Perkins, Excelsa, Gardenia, Goldfinch, Lady Gay, Lady Godiva, Minnehaha, Mrs. F. W. Flight, Mrs. H. M. Walsh, Rene Andre, Rubin, Source d'Or, Thalia, Trier, Wartburg, White Dorothy.
American Pillar, Bonnie Belle, Delight, Eisenach, Evangeline, Jersey Beauty, Hiawatha, Leuchtstern, Paradise, Pink Roamer, Silver Moon.
Duchess de Brabant, Harry Kirk, Helen Gould, Isabella Sprunt, Madame Lambard, Madame Joseph Schwartz, Maman Cochet, Marie Lambert, Mrs. Herbert Hawksworth, Papa Gontier, Princess de Sagan, Souvenir de Catherine Gillot, William R. Smith, White Maman Cochet.
Birdie Blye, Climbing Testout, Madame Alfred Carriere, Madame Driout, Mrs. Robert Peary, Reine Marie Henriette.
Archduke Charles, Douglas, Lucullus, Madame Eugene Marlitt, Maddalena Scalarandis, Queen's Scarlet, and Viridiflora.
Iona, Irish Beauty, Irish Brightness, Irish Elegance, Irish Fiarmony, Irish Modesty, and Simplicity.
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