One of my special favorites for fall-flowering in the house. Flowers borne in spikes a foot or more in length, at the extremity of tall stalks. Color pure white. The petals have the texture of wax. This plant has the rich, heavy odor of the Cape Jasmine and the Magnolia.

I procure strong tubers in spring. I pot them in sandy loam, first cutting away the old roots which are generally found adhering to the base of the tuber. If this is not done they are likely to decay, and this may lead to decay of the tuber. Cut them away with a thin-blade, sharp knife, making sure to remove every portion of them. The many failures complained of with this plant are directly traceable to disease communicated from these old roots.

Flower-stalks are sent up in August and September. These should be tied to stakes to prevent breaking down from winds. Bring into the house before frosty weather sets in.

Old tubers are of no value a second season, as they give but one crop of flowers.