The Primula is really a Primrose, but is so unlike it in habit that we put it in a class of its own.

Primula obconica is one of the most florif-erous plants I have any knowledge of. It begins to bloom early in fall, when grown from spring seedlings, and is never without flowers until late in spring. It would no doubt keep on blooming all summer if encouraged to do so. Its flowers are borne in clusters thrown well above the foliage, which forms a luxuriant mass, covering the surface of the soil and half hiding the pot. In color these flowers range from pearly white to rosy lilac, with a greenish-yellow eye.

This plant likes a turfy soil. It has thousands of fine roots, and must be watered very liberally.

I would advise the purchase of young plants each season.

Primula Forbesii is the variety better known as Baby Primrose, because of its small flowers. It is a charming plant, with blossoms that remind you of the wildwood. It will win its way to your friendship if given a chance to do so. Grow it for a season and you will not willingly be without it thereafter.

It requires the same treatment as P. obcon-ica. Both these varieties do well in sunless windows.


One of our most brilliant and showy winter-bloomers. Its flowers of violet, crimson, and maroon, marked with white, are freely produced in large spreading panicles that cover the top of the plant and give it the appearance of being a large bouquet.

I would advise stocking up with seedling plants from the florist each fall. It is not worth while to depend upon home-grown plants.