This section is from the book "Indoor Gardening", by Eben E. Rexford. Also available from Amazon: Indoor Gardening.
A plant for the plant-room, of shrubby growth, bearing long spikes of greenish-white flowers, which are not at all showy. At night they give off a rich, powerful fragrance. This variety-catalogued as C. Parqui -is known as the Night-blooming Jessamine. C. auranticum has flowers of a rich orange. This variety is very attractive when in full bloom. Can be kept in the cellar over winter. Give soil of loam, and a moderate amount of water.
Be on guard against the aphis. If the pest appears, make prompt use of Nicotocide.
Showering will prevent the red spider from doing much harm.
A member of the great Chrysanthemum family, bearing large, Daisylike flowers throughout the winter. There are two varieties in general use-one a pure white, the other a soft yellow. Both are desirable.
Grow in loam. Pinch the plants back, while young, to force branches. Use water freely, as the plant has a multitude of very fine fibrous roots to drink it up. Apply fertilizer at flowering-time.
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