I think we ought to use low shrubs for bedding, as the English often do. For (1) they are more permanent than perennials; (2) they are a pleasant change from the flatness of ordinary bedding; (3) some of them have brilliant autumn foliage in addition to their flowers. The best shrubs for this purpose, in my opinion, are those with arching stems that meet the grass. The following are all of this type, and the dates from September to March mostly refer to flowers or berries:

Magnolia stellata (Plate 104).......

. . March

Forsythia suspensa (Plate 104).......


Spircea Thunbergii.........,


Spiraea Fan Houttei..........


Deutzia gracilis...........


Philadelphus Lemoinei (Plate 103).....


Stephanandra flexuosa.........


Regel's privet............


Rhus copallina . .........


Blue spirea............


Yellow root............


Symphoricarpos racemosus........


Berberis Thunbergii..........
