**A good coo£ can vary the flavors of food as a composer varies his orchestral colors and harmonies, getting genuine artistic as n>ell as gastronomic pleasure therefrom"—Henry T. Finch.

OF THE many duties that fall to the housewife, none are of greater importance than the planning and preparation of the meals. Life is maintained through the intake of air, water and food. But food must be digested before it is of avail to the body. Cooking renders food more or less digestible according to the method used and its adaptability to that particular food.

Until recent years, little attention has been paid to the scientific preparation and selection of foods. For many years men have been versed in the proper feeding of stock, but strange to say, it has only recently occurred to man that equally as good results come from the proper feeding of the human being as from the scientific care of animals.

The medical profession as well as other scientific men are now turning their attention to dietetics tp such an extent that it is to be hoped that most of the chronic illnesses may soon be a thing of the past and that human life may be prolonged and health instead of disease become contagious.

For some years, scientific men have been trying to determine both the amount of food and the proportion of food constituents, viz., protein, fat and carbohydrates, necessary to maintain a normal man in health.

Various scientists have established dietary standards based upon observations of the dietetic habits of groups or classes of people. But we are indebted to Prof. R. H. Chittenden, dean of physiology, Yale University, for the most scientific study ever conducted along this line.

As the result of his experiments, we now know that the health and efficiency of the organism is not only maintained but is increased by the use of a lesser quantity of food and a smaller proportion of protein than was formerly supposed necessary. Standards based upon Prof. Chittenden's experiments are said to be " low-protein".

Housewives who have long been accustomed to providing meat and other "high protein" dishes for their families are ofttimes at a loss to know how to prepare a well-balanced meal without these articles and at the same time serve a palatable and attractive meal.

We are indebted to Pawlow of Russia for establishing the relation between appetite and digestion. His experiments have shown that digestion is markedly affected by appetite, which in turn is stimulated by three senses, viz., sight, smell, and taste.

Hence it is almost equally as important that food should be prepared appetizingly as that it should be well cooked. Many "food reformers" and faddists have attempted to prepare wholesome foods but have neglected the almost equally important requirement—palatability.

She would also acknowledge her indebtedness to Miss Clara B. Lambert, wTho for several years was associated with the author and has contributed to this volume both by helpful suggestions and by numerous recipes.

To Mrs. Estella F. Bitter and numerous other assistants, also to many friends, students, and several members of the staff of cooks at the Battle Creek Sanitarium, she is also grateful for contributed recipes or helpful suggestions.

Lenna Frances Cooper.