Cream Op Tomato Soup

1 can tomatoes 1/3 cup butter.

1/3 cup flour 3 teaspoons salt.

1 quart milk.

Cover and stew the tomatoes slowly one-half hour to one hour; rub through a strainer. Make a white sauce and add the strained tomato slowly. One-third cream instead of all milk may be used, and adds to the flavor. When cream is used, two tablespoons of butter is all that is necessary.

Condensed tomato may be used advantageously in this recipe, in which case use 1 1/4 cups condensed tomato and an equal quantity of water. It is not necessary to cook this before adding to white sauce except to bring it to the boiling point.

Cream Op Rice Soup

1/4 cup rice 2 cups water 2 slices onion.

1 1/2 teaspoons salt.

3 cups milk.

1 tablespoon butter.

1/4 teaspoon almond extract.

Add the rice and onion to the boiling water. Cook until tender, then rub through the colander. Add the butter and hot milk. Reheat, season with salt and extract, and serve. This makes 1 quart.

Cream Op Vegetable Oyster Soup No. 1

1 1/2 cups diced vegetable oysters 2 cups water.

1 1/2 teaspoons salt.

1 cup cream.

2 cups milk.

Cook the vegetable oysters in the boiling, salted water. When tender, take out one-third of them, and put the remainder through the colander. Add to this puree the diced vegetable oysters. Heat the milk and cream in the double boiler, and add to the hot puree. Salt and serve at once.

An additional cup (scant) of milk and 2 tablespoons of butter may be used in place of the cream if desired.

Cream Of Vegetable Oyster Soup No. 2

1 1/3 cups vegetable oysters (sliced) 2 cups water.

1 1/2 teaspoons salt 3 tablespoons flour 3 tablespoons butter.

2 cups milk.

Cook the vegetable oysters in 2 cups water. Take out 1/3 of them. Put the remainder through the colander, and add this pulp to the sliced vegetable oysters. Add the white sauce, made by rubbing together the butter and flour until smooth, and adding the warm milk slowly. Add salt, and cook for ten minutes in a double boiler. After combining the white sauce with the vegetable oysters, measure and add water sufficient to make 1 quart.

Cream Of Browned Onion Soup

4 medium sized onions 3 tablespoons slightly browned flour.

1 cup water.

3 tablespoons butter.

2 cups milk.

1 1/4 teaspoons salt.

Slice the onions and put in a buttered pan. Add a little water, cover, and put into the oven, covered. When the onions are tender, remove the cover and brown. Rub the browned onions through a colander, add the water, and the white sauce, made by adding the hot milk to the butter and slightly browned flour rubbed together until smooth. The white sauce should cook 10 minutes in a double boiler before it is added to the onion. Reheat the soup, salt, and serve. This makes 1 quart.

Cream Op Okra Soup

1 cup okra (canned) 1/2 cup strained tomato or 2 tablespoons condensed tomato 1 cup water.

2/3 cup cream 1 teaspoon brown sugar 1 teaspoon grated onion 4 teaspoons Savora or 3 tablespoons Japanese Soy.

1 tablespoon flour.

Cook together the strained tomato, water and Savora. Add the okra and heat. Strain through a colander. Add grated onion, brown sugar, and the flour, moistened with a little cold water. Heat the cream, and add to the soup before serving.