This section is from the book "The New Cookery", by Lenna Frances Cooper. Also available from Amazon: The New Cookery.
2 1/2 cups milk and water (equal parts)
2 tablespoons malt honey or molasses.
1 1/2 cups sterilized bran.
About 2 quarts whole wheat flour.
2 teaspoons salt.
1/2 yeast cake.
1/2 cup warm water.
Soak the yeast in the warm water. Scald the milk and cool to lukewarm. Potato water may be used instead of the milk and water. Add water, the molasses and salt, then the softened yeast. Mix the flour and bran together and stir into the liquids. Knead thoroughly and put to rise in a warm place. When light, mold into a loaf. Let rise again and when light, bake in a hot oven about one hour. Decrease the heat somewhat during the latter part of the baking. This makes 3 small or 2 large loaves.
Graham flour may be used instead of the whole wheat, in which case less bran will be needed.
2 1/4 cups potato water or milk 3 teaspoons salt 1 tablespoon sugar.
2 tablespoons butter 1 pound raisins* 1/2 yeast cake About two quarts flour.
1/4 cup warm water.
Put the yeast to soak in the one-fourth cup of warm water and let dissolve. Prepare the potato water by cooking two medium sized potatoes in a little more than a pint of water. Press through a colander and measure. Cool to lukewarm. Add the salt, sugar, dissolved yeast, melted butter and raisins. Warm the flour slightly in the oven and add gradually to the liquid. Stir in gradually enough flour to knead well, taking care not to have a stiff dough. Let stand in a warm place for one and one-half hours or until light. Knead down and let rise again an hour or more. Knead lightly and form into loaves. Let rise in the pans about three-fourths of an hour or until light, then bake about forty-five minutes. When done remove from the pans and cool. This recipe makes two large or three small loaves. If potato water is not convenient the same amount of water and milk in equal quantities may be substituted.
1 cup corn meal About 5 cups white flour 1 tablespoon sugar.
2 teaspoons salt.
2 tablespoons butter.
1 1/2 cups potato water.
1/2 yeast cake dissolved in 1/4 cup warm water.
Prepare and bake this recipe the same as for fruit bread, substituting corn meal instead of the raisins.
1 1/2 quarts graham flour.
1 pint white flour.
2 teaspoons salt.
1 cake compressed yeast.
1/2 cup molasses or 1/2 cup brown sugar and 1/4 cup malt honey 2 tablespoons melted butter.
About 3 cups warm water.
Mix the ingredients in the order given, adding sufficient warm water to make a soft dough. Beat the dough thoroughly and set in a warm place for about three hours, or until it is quite light. Then beat down again and turn it into bread pans, filling them half full. When light again, or when the bread has risen to about three-fourths the height of the pan, put to bake in a moderate oven and bake from three-quarters of an hour to an hour. Graham bread must not be allowed to rise as much as white bread.
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