I have been wondering whether I should put the famous French Pommes de terre a la Lyonnaise in this section or among my recipes for vegetables, but I have come to the conclusion that this delectable concoction deserves a place of its own and should not be treated as "just potatoes." It is especially suitable as a first course for lunch—followed, for instance, by cold meat and salad, with which hot potatoes should most certainly not be served, as they often are.


Just under 2 lb. of potatoes, 1/2 a lb. of onions, just under 1/4 lb. of butter, parsley, salt and pepper.


Bake or steam the potatoes in their skins till they are tender, but not too soft. They should on no account be cooked till they break. Skin them carefully and cut in thin slices—not as thin as for chips—and as much as possible of the same size. Gut the onions also into thin slices, and here again as much as possible of equal thickness, the object of this being that if some are thicker than the others, they will take longer to cook and they will not be all equally done. Melt the butter in a frying-pan, and cook the sliced onions very slowly, till they are a golden colour, but they should not be allowed to get brown. Remove the onions from the pan and put them on greaseprobf paper to drain. Now put the slices of potatoes in the same butter and cook in exactly the same way, till they also are a golden colour. Add the onions, season well with salt and pepper, mixing the onions with the potatoes, put in a hot dish and sprinkle with a little chopped parsley.