Gelatin, six cupfuls boiling water, two-thirds cupful sugar, five tablespoonfuls condensed milk, one egg, one-half cupful lemon juice (two medium sized lemons.) Use amount of gelatin ordinarily required to make two quarts of jelly and soften it in a little cold water. Stir it into the boiling water, remove from stove and add sugar, condensed milk and egg (which has been thoroughly beaten) and stir till well blended. Return to stove and let come to boil (just enough to scald the egg), stirring to prevent scorching. Remove from stove, add lemon juice, pour into mold and set away to harden. Serve with whipped cream.

Lemon Cream Sauce

One egg yolk, one tablespoonful of lemon juice, four tablespoonfuls of sugar, one-half teaspoonful of butter, one-third cupful of thick sweet cream, one-half cupful of water, a pinch of salt. Beat the yolk, add the sugar, lemon juice, salt, water and butter. Cook in a double boiler until very thick and chill. Then add the cream, mix well, and use at once.

Lemon Cocoanut Cream Filling

Juice and grated rind of one lemon, one cupful powdered sugar, yolks of two eggs, one cupful shredded cocoanut. Mix lemon juice and rind with sugar and yolks of eggs slightly beaten; cook ten minutes in double boiler, stirring constantly; then add the shredded cocoanut. Cool and use as a filling between layers of plain cake.