This section is from the book "Leonardo Da Vinci: A Psychosexual Study Of An Infantile Reminiscence", by Sigmund Freud. Also available from Amazon: Leonardo da Vinci: A Psychosexual Study of an Infantile Reminiscence.
38 See the illustrations in Lanzone loc. tit. T. CXXXVI-VIII. 39 v. Romer loc. tit.
40 [Goddess of Lower Egypt, associated with the ancient city of Sais ed.]
41 Cf. the observations in the Jahrbuch furpsychoanalytische undpsychopathologische Forschungen, Vol. I, 1909.
42 [Zopfabschneiderm the original, a term for people whose sexual fetish is the cutting off of women's braids, which has also been transmuted into a term for people whose fantasy is the forcible castration of men ed.]
43 . Richard Payne Knight: The cult ofPriapus.
44 Prominent among those who undertook these investigations are I. Sadger [Isidor Isaak Sasger (1867-1942?) Austrian, psychoanalyst and associate of Freud, who published his works under the name.J. Sadger, and who died in a Nazi camp during World War II] whose results I can essentially corroborate from my own experience. I am also aware that [Wilhelm] Stekel (1868-1940] of Vienna, [Sandor]Ferenczi [(1873-1933)] of Budapest, and [Abraham Arden]Brill [(1874-1940), translator of this ed. of Leonardo da Vina] of New York, came to the same conclusions.
45 Edm. Solmi: Leonardo da Vinci, German translation, p. 1.52.
46 Solmi, Joe. cit. p. 203.
47 Leonardo thus behaves like one who was in the habit of making a daily confession to another person whom he now replaced by his diary. For an assumption as to who this person may have been see [Merezhkowsky, German translation from the Russian (1903)], p. 367. [The person so assumed by Merezhkovsky was Leonardo's mother,Caterina, whom he installed in a Milan hospital and visited ever}' day as she lay ill and dying in 1493 - ed.]
48 M. Herzfeld: Leonardo da Vinci, 1906, p. 141.
49 The wording is that of Merejkowsky, Joe. cit. p. 237. The equestrian monument of Francesco Sforza.
51 The full wording is found in M. Herzfeld, Joe. cit. p. 45.
52 Merejkowsky Joe. cit.An a disappointing illustration of the vagueness of the information concerning Leonardo's intimate life, meager as it is, I mention the fact that the same expense account is given by Solmi with considerable variation (German translation, p. 104). The most serious difference is the substitution of florins by soldi. One may assume that in this account florins do not mean the old "gold florins," but those used at a later period which amounted to 1 2/3 lira or 33 Va soldi. Solmi represents Caterina as a servant who had taken care of Leonardo's household for a certain time. The source from which the two representations of this account were taken was not accessible to me.
53 "Caterina came in July, 1493."
54 The manner of expression through which the repressed libidio could manifest itself in Leonardo, such as circumstantiality and marked interest in money, belongs to those traits of character which emanate from anal eroticism. Cf. "Character und Analerotik" in the second series of my Sanim-lungzur Neurosenlehre, 1909, also Brill's Psychoanalysis, its Tlieories and Practical Applications, Chap. XIII, "Anal Eroticism and Character," Saunders, Philadelphia.
55 v. Seidlitz: Leonardo da Vinci, II Bd., p. 280. [The reference is to Francois Anatole Grayer (1825-1909) - ed.]
56 [Richard Muther (1860-1909], Geschichte derMalerei, Bd. I, p, 314.
57 Joe. cit. p. 417.
58 A. Conti [Angelo Conti, 1860-1930]: Leonardo pittore, Conferenze Florentine, Joe. cit. p. 93.
59 Joe. cit. p. 45.
60 W. Pater: Tlie Renaissance, p. 124, The Macmillan Co., 1910.
61 M. Herzfeld: Leonardo da Vinci, p. 88.
62 Scognamiglio, Joe. cit. p. 32.
63 [Ludwig] Schorn [(1793-1842), Leben der beruhmtesten Maler, Bildliauer und Bau-meister], Bd. Ill, 1843, p. 6.
64 The same is assumed by Merejkowski, who imagined a childhood for Leonardo which deviates in the essential points from ours, drawn from the results of the vulture fantasy. But if Leonardo himself had displayed this smile, tradition hardly would have failed to report to us this coincidence.
65 Joe. cit. p. 309.
66 A. Konstantinowa, Joe. cit., says: "Mary looks tenderly down on her beloved child with a smile that recalls the mysterious expression of la Gioconda." Elsewhere speaking of Mar)' she says: "The smile of Gioconda floats upon her features."
67 Cf.v. Seidlitz, Joe. cit. Bd. II, p. 274.
68 Cf. Three Contributions to die Theory of Sex, translated by A. A. Brill, 2nd edition, 1916, Monograph series.
69 "On the 9th of July, 1504, Wednesday at 7 o'clock died Ser Piero da Vinci, notary at the palace of the Podesta, my father, at 7 o'clock. He was 80 years old, left 10 sons and 2 daughters." (E. Miintz, Joe. cit. p. 13.)
70 I shall overlook a greater error committed by Leonardo in his notice in that he gives his 77-year-old father 80 years.
71 "He who usurps on earth my place, my place, my place, which is void in the presence of the Son of God, has made out of my cemetery a sewer." Canto XXXVII.
72 It seems that in that passage of the diary Leonardo also erred in the number of his sisters and brothers, which stands in remarkable contrast to the apparent exactness of the same.
73 v. Seidhtz, Joe. cit. II, p. 270.
74 Solmi, ConJ. Fior., p. 13.
75 Miintz, Joe. cit., "La Religion de Leonardo, "p. 292, etc.
76 Herzfeld, p. 292.
77 Vasari, translated by Schorn, 1843.
78 [Ibid.], p. 39.
79 Concerning these letters and the combinations connected with them see Miintz, Joe. cit. p. 82; for the wording of the same and for the notices connected with them see Herzfeld, Joe. cit., p. 223.
80 [Jean Paul Richter (1847-1937) - ed.]
81 Besides, he lost some time in that he even made a drawing of a braided cord in which one could follow the thread from one end to the other, until it formed a perfectly circular figure; a very difficult and beautiful drawing of this kind is engraved on copper. In the center of it one can read the words: "Leonardos VinciiAcademia"(p. 8).
82 [A term denoting a written study of the influence of disease, physical or mental, on the life and work of a historical person ed.]
83 This criticism holds quite generally and is not aimed at Leonardo's biographers in particular.
84 [OLD defines "abulia" as "Loss or impairment of the ability to act, make decisions, or initiate physical or mental activity, as a symptom of mental illness or injury to the brain; (gen.) absence of will power, inde-cisiveness; an instance of this" ed.]
85 v. Seidlitz II, p. 271.
86 "La natura e piena dinfinite ragione che non furono maiin isperienza." M. Herzfeld, loc. cit. p. 11.
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Leonardo da Vinci, Sigmund Freud, mentality, psychoanalytic, sexuality