The band was just finishing a stirring march when, with a great shout of victory, Houdini bounded from the cabinet, holding the shining handcuffs in his hand - free!

A mighty roar of gladness went up. Men waved their hats, shook hands one with the other. Ladies waved their handkerchiefs, and the committee, rushing forward as one man, shouldered Houdini, and bore him in triumph round the arena.

But the strain had been too much for the " Handcuff King," and he sobbed as though his heart would break.

With a mighty effort, however, he regained his composure, and received the congratulations of the Mirror in the true sportsmanlike spirit he has shown throughout the contest.

Presentation Modee

The journalist intimated to the audience that a beautiful solid silver model of the handcuffs would be made, and titfked Mr. Houdini's permission to present this to him at no distant date.

A Sportsman's Telegram

Late last night Mr. Houdini sent us the following telegram: Editor "Mirror," 2, Carmelite Street, London. E. C.

'Allow me to thank you for the open and upright manner in which your representative treated me in to-day's contest. Must say that it was one of the hardest, but at the same time one of the fairest tests I ever had."


HOUDINI, manacled and chained, Diving head first off Queen's Bridge

HOUDINI, manacled and chained, Diving head first off Queen's Bridge, into the Yarra River, Melbourne, Australia, Feb. 18th, 1910.

Australia's Coast is infested with Man-eating Sharks, luckily for Houdini, none happened to be around when he dived.