This section is from the book "The National Capitol. Its Architecture Art And History", by George C. Hazelton, Jr. Also available from Amazon: The National Capitol Its Architecture Art and History.
Webster died at Marshfield, Massachusetts ; Calhoun and Clay passed away in Washington and were honored with funeral exercises at the Capitol. On Tuesday, April 2, 1850, at twelve o'clock, the remains of John C. Calhoun were brought into the Senate Chamber, attended by the committee of arrangements and by Messrs. Man-gum, Clay, Webster, Cass, King and Berrien, who acted as pall-bearers. The sermon was preached by Rev. C. M. Butler, D.D., Chaplain of the Senate. After the exercises, the funeral cortege proceeded to the Congressional cemetery, where the body was temporarily deposited. The escort was most distinguished in its character.
The remains of Henry Clay were borne to the Capitol on Thursday, July 1, 1852. The escort from the National Hotel, where he died, was composed of public associations, military and civic authorities, public functionaries—foreign and American—and a long line of citizens and strangers. The exercises were held in the Senate Chamber. The funeral service of the Episcopal Church was read, and a sermon was preached by the Rev. Dr. Butler. The President of the United States and the Speaker of the House of Representatives occupied seats by the President of the Senate. The two innermost rows of chairs around the lifeless form were reserved for his brother Senators and certain representatives of State sovereignties. The committee who were to convey his remains to his native State, its delegation as chief mourners, the pall-bearers and personal friends also were assigned places in close proximity to the deceased. Behind these were assembled Representatives, members of the diplomatic corps, the Cabinet, officers of the army and navy, among whom Major-General Scott and Commodose Morris were conspicuous, municipal councils and distinguished citizens. The old Senate Chamber was crowded, as it had so often been to hear his voice. The handles, plate and trimmings of the rich casket were of silver, beautifully chased with a full-blown rose and wreaths of laurel and of oak—the acorns detached as if fallen from the stem. After the services, the cortege left the Capitol.
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