As in the House, days are set apart in the Senate for eulogies to be pronounced upon distinguished dead. In some cases the honor has been much more marked.

The remains of Chief Justice Chase, on May 12, 1873, were sadly borne through the Rogers bronze doors, draped in black, and the casket immediately taken to the Supreme Court chamber and placed upon the Lincoln bier, —the head towards the chair lately occupied by the departed. The casket was not open to the public. This chamber, however, was thought too small for the exercises, and the remains were affectionately borne by the old colored servants of the Court into the more spacious hall of the Senate. The officiating clergy, led by Rev. Dr. Tiffany, pastor of the Metropolitan M. E. Church, entered in advance. All wore black crape sashes. The audience respectfully arose as the procession entered. Dr. Tiffany began the funeral services while the casket was being placed before the Vice-President's desk. President Grant and his Cabinet entered through the central doors, the Executive occupying the end seat on the aisle to the left of the chair. The Cabinet sat upon his right. The pall-bearers took seats upon the right of the Vice-President. Behind them sat Senator and Mrs. Sprague.

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The Congressional funeral ceremonies in honor of Charles Sumner were held in this room at noon, March 13, 1874. The remains were brought thither from the rotunda, where they had rested in state from an early morning hour open to the view of the hosts of friends of the beloved Massachusetts Senator. " Since the inauguration of Grant," said the Star, " there has been no event which has drawn to the Capitol such a vast assembly of spectators." The pall-bearers were Senators Anthony, Schurz, Sargeant, Oglesby, Stockton and McCreery.