We have already alluded to this in the previous paragraph, but inflammation of the bowels also arises from other than the causes therein named.

In the author's opinion, the most frequent causes of this complaint in puppies are round-worms (Ascaris marginata).

To avoid puppies being troubled with these parasites, small quantities of lime-water are of service. A tablespoonful will be sufficient at once.

Teaspoonful doses of Brand's Essence of Beef constitutes one of the very best substances that can be used when vomition is troublesome, and later on the yolk of an egg, with the addition of a teaspoonful of brandy.

As a medicinal agent, bismuth is particularly useful, so that the following mixture should be obtained from the chemist:—

R Carbonate of bismuth . 3 drachms.

Pepsin . .30 grains.

Bromide of potash . 2 drachms.

Bicarbonate of soda . 3 drachms.

Compound tincture of cardamoms 1 ounce Water to make . . .4 ounces.

Mix. Dose: One tablespoonful every four hours until the vomiting ceases. For Terriers, etc., half this dose will suffice.

This mixture will be found specially suitable for the vomiting of distemper, and when arising from other causes, of a general nature. In case the dog has been poisoned or picked up some material of an objectionable nature, it may not be advisable to try and check the vomiting. Under these circumstances, it must be regarded as a salutary process. It is only when it becomes excessive that it is advisable to stop it.

Another very important matter when dealing with a case of excessive vomition, is that of keeping the dog as quiet as possible, together with the application of hot, dry flannels, applied over the belly for several hours at a time, and continued with until improvement sets in.

The bitch should be thoroughly dosed with worm medicine before she comes into season, otherwise repeated purgation by worm medicine may have a prejudicial influence after service. Refusing to suck and crying from the pain in the belly are the surest indications of this condition in suckers. In adult dogs irritant poisons are not at all an uncommon cause of inflammation of the bowels. The specific poison of distemper is another cause. External injuries will produce it, and probably exposure to severe wet, such as lying on a damp kennel floor. Peritonitis is a frequent accompaniment. It is generally fatal, therefore the best of skill should be obtained. Hot fomentations and 15- to 20-drop doses of chlorodyne every three hours can be tried in the meantime.