This section is from the book "Breeding, Training, Management, Diseases Of Dogs", by Francis Butler. Also available from Amazon: Breeding, training, management, diseases.
Dreaded his name, for bloody deeds renowned, Once in old England, now in Cuba found. Ears broad and pendant, heavy drooping jowl; Fearful his bark, and ominous his howl. Of color tawny, or of reddish tan. Sometimes the friend, yet oft' a foe to man ; Of nervous limb, with teeth deep set and long, Disputes the mastery of the canine throng. The thief's antipathy, the murderer's dread, He tracks their pathway, notes their every tread; On tireless foot and panting for the fight, Trails the doomed fugitive, by day and night. And men there are, who hire him by the day, To hunt the trembling Negro-runaway ; [flood, Nor wood, nor swamp, nor brake, nor bursting Can daunt his ardent rage, for human blood ; Onward he speeds, low scenting on the ground, With deep and sonorous yell at every bound ; The race is o'er, the Bloodhound wins the day, His wreaking jaws in triumph seize the prey. His name a bye-word " A ferocious brute." His vice constrained, inhuman brutes to suit. For thirsty blood hounds, if but rightly mann'd, Are kind and docile as the Newfoundland.
To prove ray doctrine, I would here assert, That virtue's often vice if kept inert, That vice is virtue, when in duty found For who would prize a disobedient hound !
The Bloodhound.
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