Favors the Foxhound and the English Beagle, Just as the hawk resembles much the eagle ; The well known Harrier, pride of wealthy squires,

No hunter but his sportive stock admires. Foxhound in color, but less high in limb, Less elegant, less daring and less trim ; Of like endurance, not so swift of foot, Of equal scent and cooler nerve to boot; Well disciplined and mannerly, in fine, No hunger tempts him on his game to dine ; But seized his prey, by long exciting run, Restrains his appetite and feasts on fun. Hie to the fields and scan the marshalled corps, Of eager Harriers, forty, p'raps or more ; Onward they rush, when Pussey leads the way, Away they stride, with mellow notes so gay ; While country bumpkins from the village crowd The neighboring woods, and shout with voices loud ;

Ascend the hill, the glad'ning hunt to view, Again, again, their boisterous shouts renew. Lo ! here she comes, the flee.1, but jaded hare, Struggling to gain sonic dark secluded lair, Now closely pressed the hounds their prize must gain, when Lepus springs in safety up a drain.

Pups should be cautiously corrected, and although their obedience must of necessity be enforced, as early as they can distinguish between roast beef and stale bread,too much should not be exacted from them, and no severity used ; as it may have the effect of cowering them down, thus materially effecting their pluck and spirits in after life,

I am satisfied as a general rule, that a well amalgamated mixture of animal and vegetable, is the most healthful diet, for dogs of all ages, breeds and conditions. Dogs living in the house should on no account be fed on raw meat, as it gives them a very offensive smell and is in other respects very unsuitable.

