The eye of the Dog is subject to a variety of morbid affections, the majority of which do not originate in the eye itself, but in a disordered state of the secretions ; therefore, the general health has to be taken into consideration whilst our efforts are alike directed to the locaiity. The eye may be inflamed from fever within, may portray the paleness of general debility ; may display its sympathy with disease fastened on the whole system, or may be deranged sim ply from outward causes ; yet, in nearly all cases, the foundation of its cure must be in righting the main-spring. Any disordered action of the secretions will generally be visible in the appearance of the eye. Unless the disease be purely local, no powerful wash or lotion whatever, should be used to the eye of the Dog.

Gently washing with lukewarm milk and water, keeping it perfectly free from mucus, rubbing in fresh lard, butter or goose grease aroand the neighboring parts : add to this light fare, ligh aperients and little sunshine, and you will do more to abate inflammatory action, than by any powerful application.

The dull blueish film, often formed on the eye of the distempered animal, requires no application whatever, except that the eye be kept perfectly clean and lightly greased. It generally clears away,if the animal recovers; whether or not, I consider all local attempts at forcing a cure arc worse than useless. The film or coating that makes its appearance on the eye of a healthy animal should not be allowed to thicken or increase, or it may eventually terminate in cataract or blindness. White sugar, finely pulverized and blown into the eye through a quill, every morning, will at the outset generally effect a cure. A little butter dissolved in the corner of the eye is often of great service. When the foregoing are unsuccessful, finely powdered alum, in minute quantities blown into the eye may have the desired effect. Should this fail, it may be washed with a weak solution of sugar of lead, or sulphate of zinc, otherwise a solution of nitrate of silver, one grain to a wine-glass of water with a tea-spoonful of brandy in it. Only a drop or two of this must be dropped in the eye morning and evening. Common wounds, bruises, swellings and such like in the region of the eye, are speedily cured by "Butler's Mange Liniment;" but this should never be dropped into the eye. Where this is not to be had, a compound of Brandy, olive oil, laudanum and turpentine may be gently rubbed around but must not be allowed to enter the eye. Where nothing else can be found, goose-grease lard or butter will be of great service. Cataract in the eye of a dog is seldom cured, if firmly established, as in that state, ordinary applications are of little service, and lew understand the operation of removing it; nevertheless, if the patient be of sufficient value, an oculist might operate on it with success, as the animal may be safely and securely bound for the operation.

Running eyes are commonly caused by high feeding, constant colds, lack of general exercise, damp beds, etc. Sometimes they are the result of Distemper and often hereditary, in delicate and high-bred pets. Keeping the eye clean, restricting the animal to moderate fare, allow ing him regular exercise, keeping him from sudden chills, forbidding him the hot fire or burning sun are among the principal preventives. This running appears to be a natural leak of the system, and unless the health be attended to., no local application will be availing. I am by profession neither Surgeon nor Oculist, therefore I shall not enlarge on the different affections of the eye, nor infringe on its anatomical technicalities, as I am not writing a medical work, but propose simply to give the results of my own personal experience. For any serious operation on the eye, I would refer my readers to some competent surgeon or oculist, advising them by no means to risk it themselves. If requisite, soft lukewarm poultices of bread and water, bread and milk, flaxseed, Sfc. may be applied with advantage, where inflammation arises from any cause whatever: as to putting on and keeping them in place, it must be left to the best judgment of the owner of the patient. To keep the eye in a healthy state, especially in animals of high breed and delicate constitutions, everything gross in diet should be forbidden, and constipation carefully avoided. Although in many cases, weakness and running of the eyes are incurable, the foregoing preventives will be far more effective than all that medical treatment could ensure. Sleeping in a damp place is highly favorable to the production of overflowing humors of the eye, and no cure can be expected, where an animal given to weeping, is thus exposed. Bleeding and blistering are sometimes resorted to, for redness and other inflammatory symptoms of the eye, but as few of the unprofessional understand these operations, I shall not recommend them here. Some dogs have naturally a ferocious redness about the ball or in the corner of the eye. When this is constitutional, there arc little hopes of a cure. In cases of continued inflammation of the eye, a red hot iron, about the size of a common lead pencil, may be pressed through the skin, at the back of the head, (should other remedies fail) and the wound may be kept open, until a marked improvement or a cure be effected.