Of Chaney stock, in shape and feature par, If nought contend his regal stamp to mar ; Orange and white, the genuine it is said, Or black and white, with features tinged with red.

Descended from an ancient Spanish race, In vain, his prime original we trace ; Once a famed hunter, of Castilian state, Tho' since enfeebled and effeminate ; So elegant, so highly bred and so genteel, These honored traits his pedigree reveal ; His virtuous failings, that once vice were deemed,

His passive dignity, now most esteemed. If ought of preference 'twixt the two be found, Yield it in favor of the Charley hound ; The latter fuller tasselled, more compact, With larger eye and feature more exact. I've oft' remarked, with beasts of every grade, Hardier and healthier is the darker shade ; This in a measure may perchance explain, Why Charley more of vigor may retain. As Charley's virtues are of Blenheim true, It bodes me not his merits to review ; If further scrutiny, your thoughts engage, Please turn to Charley, on the other page.

The color of a hunting clog is of some little importance. Dark colors absorb the rays of the sun much more than light ones, and are consequently less adapted for hot climates. In hot weather, the Pointer may be said to be preferable to the Setter on account of the lightness of his dress, although the sun itself would take more effect on the thin-coated Pointer, than on the thicker covering of the Setter whereas the air, which would keep a Pointer cool, would scarcely be felt through the heavy dress of the Setter.

Before we decide then, which is to be preferred, the Pointer or Setter, let us take into consideration Breed, Habits, Climate. Weather, Country, etc, and stake our opinions accordingly.

Blenheim Spaniel.

Blenheim Spaniel.