There are those who while fully accepting the fact that Thought is radio-active, and that our mental vibrations surround us with a mental atmosphere, and that this mental atmosphere constitutes our field of mental induction which awakens similar vibrations in the minds of others coming within its influence, nevertheless find it difficult to accept the teachings that assert that Thought may be sent to a distance far from the sender, and there be received by the mind of another person.

I cannot understand why anyone should feel any doubt on this score, for the last mentioned phenomenon is not a whit more wonderful or mysterious than is the simplest case of mental induction when the two persons are in personal contact, or in near proximity to each other. We have the very closest kind of analogy in the case of electricity. In electricity we have the transmission of the current over the telegraph or telephone wires; in Thought we have a similar transmission over the wires of the nervous system reaching to all parts of the body. In electricity we have the induction of a current without direct transmission, as described in a preceding lesson; in Thought we have a similar induction of Thought without direct transmission, as also described in the said lesson. Finally, in electricity we have the transmission of a current, without the presence of wires, as we see in the case of the wireless telegraph process; in Thought we have Distant Thought Induction, or Telepathy at a distance. All of these phases of electricity are but forms" of manifestation of one general principle; and all these phases of Thought Induction are but forms of manifestation of one general principle. The analogy is one of those very striking instances of the operation of the Law of Correspondence in the phenomenal world.

To those who may consider the above analogy as lacking in scientific validity, I would refer the following statement made in the presidential address of Sir William Crookes before the Royal Society, at Bristol, England, nearly twenty years ago-far in advance of the times, of course. Crookes said: "If telepathy takes place, we have two physical facts-the physical change in the brain of A, the suggestor, and the analogous physical change in the brain of B, the recipient of the suggestion. Between these two physical events there must exist a train of physical causes. * * * All the phenomena of the universe are presumably in some way continuous, and it is unscientific to call in the aid of mysterious agencies when with every fresh advance in knowledge it is shown that ether vibrations have powers and attributes abundantly equal to any demand-even the transmission of thought.

"It is supposed by some physiologists that the essential cells of nerves do not actually touch, but are separated by a narrow gap which widens in sleep while it narrows almost to extinction during mental activity. This condition is so singularly like that of a Branly or Lodge coherer [a device which led to the discovery of wireless telegraphy] as to suggest a further analogy. The structure of brain and nerve being similar, it is conceivable that there may be present masses of such nerve coherers in the brain whose special function it may be to receive, impulses from without through the connecting sequence of ether waves of appropriate order of magnitude.

"Roentgen has familiarized us with an order of vibrations of extreme minuteness compared with the smallest waves with which we have hitherto been acquainted, and of dimensions comparable with the distances between the centers of the atoms of which the material universe is built up; and there is no reason to suppose that we have here reached the limit of frequency. It is known that the action of thought is accompanied by certain molecular movements in the brain, and here we have physical vibrations capable from their extreme minuteness of acting direct on individual molecules, while their rapidity approaches that of the internal and external movements of the atoms themselves. A formidable range of phenomena must be scientifically sifted before we effectually grasp a faculty so strange, so bewildering, and for ages so inscrutable as the direct action of mind upon mind."

So, we see that there is the very best kind of scientific basis for asserting the analogy between the wireless telegraph on the one hand, and the phenomenon of Distant Thought Induction on the other. Nature is fond of establishing these correspondences on different planes of her activities, that we may understand one by studying the other. The more that we learn about wireless telegraphy the more readily may we understand distant thought transference and induction.

Sir William Crookes has given us many other reasons why distant thought transmission is possible. For instance, he has said: "If we accept the theory that the brain is composed of separate elements-nerve cells-then we must presume that each of these components, like every other bit of matter, has its movements of vibration and will under suitable conditions be affected; as, for instance, the nerve cells of the retina by vibration in the ether. If another neuron situated not far away should acquire the same movement of vibration, there seems to be no good reason why they should not affect each other through the ether."

Edward T. Bennett, the English psychologist, has said: "The conclusion seems to be irresistible that the five senses do not exhaust the means by which knowledge may enter the mind. In other words, the investigator seems to be driven to the conclusion that thought-transference or telepathy must now be included among scientifically proven facts."

Professor Quackenbos, the American psychologist, says: "The time has indeed come, as Maeterlinck predicted it would, when souls may know each other without the intermediary of the senses."

Clark Bell says: "Telepathy, as it is regarded by scientists who accept it as a fact, is some unknown sense of power in the human body, by which as a physical process communication is held between brain and brain of the human organism-some means by which the perceptions are reached in some manner analogous to the known and well-defined transmission of the electric current, or the action of gravitation, which we know exists. But we are as yet unable to comprehend how it acts, or to know its methods."

Dr. Sheldon Leavitt, an American authority on the subconscious mind, has said: "There is no disputing the fact that those who have given the subject of telepathy attentive thought and patient investigation have been convinced of its truth and practicability. My own experience has given me unwavering convictions. I know that in some way thought can be transmitted from one conscious mind to another; and I have good reason to believe that it can be transmitted still more forcibly and fully to the unconscious mind of the recipient."

Camille Flammarion, the eminent French astronomer and scientist, says: "One mind can act upon another at a distance without the habitual medium of words, or any other visible means of communication. It appears altogether unreasonable to reject this conclusion if we accept the facts. There is nothing unscientific, nothing romantic, in admitting that an idea can influence a brain from a distance. The action of one human being upon another, from a distance, is a scientific fact; it is as certain as the existence of Paris, of Napoleon, of Oxygen, or of Sirius. * * * There can be no doubt that our psychical force creates a movement of the ether, which transmits itself afar like all movements of ether, and becomes perceptible to brains in harmony with our own. The transformation of a psychic action into an ethereal movement, and the reverse, may be analogous to what takes place in a telephone, where the receptive plate, which is identical with the plate at the other end, reconstructs the sonorous movement transmitted, not by means of sound, but by electricity. But these are only comparisons."

The student will notice that in the above quotations the scientific authorities dwell almost altogether upon the action of the brain as a receiving instrument. They have overlooked the equally important, and equally true fact that the organ-minds, the part-minds, the cell-minds, all the phases of the Corporeal Mind in fact, are capable of receiving the vibrations of the induced thought current, and of understanding them and of acting upon them. Were this not true, the phenomena of distant mental healing could not exist as it does at present.

We have here a wonderfully interesting and important phase of the general subject of Mental Healing, and we should carefully acquaint ourselves with every phase of its activities and processes. I shall go into every phase in detail in the succeeding several lessons, and I ask every student to carefully consider what I have to say in those lessons. I shall deal not with theory alone, but shall go into the "just how" side of the subject.