The second and third general classes of the methods of applying Mental Healing are (a) Personal Thought Induction, and (b) Distant Thought Induction, respectively. These two methods are based on the same general principle, i. e., that of the induction of the healing thoughts of the practitioner into the subconscious mind of the patient; but there are certain distinctions between the two methods which justify their classification as separate methods and processes of application.

In the present lesson we shall consider the first of these two methods of Thought Induction, namely, that of Personal Thought Induction. Here we have to do with cases of Thought Induction in which the practitioner is in the actual physical presence of the patient, just as when Mental Suggestion is given. In fact, Personal Thought Induction may be spoken of here as practically Mental Suggestion without the use of words written, printed, or spoken. Here the thoughts, or ideas, of the practitioner are radiated from his mind, and then, coming in contact with the mind of the patient, they are transformed into corresponding ideas or mental pictures in that mind.

The thoughts, ideas, or mental pictures held in the mind of the practitioner, and then radiated or transmitted to the mind of the patient, should be practically the same as those expressed in words by the suggestionist in Mental Suggestion. That is to say, the practitioner should create in his own mind the thought, idea, or mental picture of the same normal, healthy conditions which he seeks to suggest into the mind of the patient. He should see not only the patient as in good normal health, but also as having perfect healthy organs functioning naturally and efficiently. In the degree that he is able to form such clear, strong, positive thoughts, ideas, or mental pictures, so will be the degree of the success of his mental treatments along these lines.

And, now, a few words regarding the scientific explanation of this radiation of thought, ideas, and mental pictures from the mind of one person to that of another. It is, of course, impossible to give the ultimate explanation of this wonderful phenomenon-or any other for that matter. Until we are able to state the "just what" of anything-the absolute and ultimate nature of that thing-we must content ourselves with the statement of "just how" the thing works and acts. And, so, here I shall not attempt to explain just what Mind or Thought really is, in its absolute and ultimate nature (who, indeed, is able to do this?), but shall, instead, try to explain just how Mind or Thought works and manifests in this process of Thought Induction.

But, notwithstanding the impossibility of explaining the "thing-in-itselfness" behind the process and manifestation, we are clearly within our powers and rights when we venture to compare this class of phenomena with certain other phenomena with which we are more familiar. The very word "induction" gives us the key to this.

The definition of the term "Induction," as used in Physics, is as follows: "The property or process by which one body having electrical or magnetic polarity produces it in another body without direct contact." A text-book on the subject informs us that "Electric induction is the action which electrified bodies exert at a distance on bodies in a natural state; Magnetic Induction is the action which magnetized bodies exert at a distance on bodies in a natural state." The same authority informs us that the technical meaning of the term'iInduce" is: "To cause by proximity without contact or transmission; for example, the production of a particular electric or magnetic condition in a body, by placing another body in an opposite electric state, in proximity to it but without actual contact." An "Induced Current" is: "An electrical current developed in a conductor in proximity to, but not in contact with, other conductors traversed by intermittent or fluctuating currents; also, electric currents developed in conductors moving in the field of a magnet, or in conductors within the field of a moving magnet." "Inductive Power is the name given by Faraday to the property which bodies possess of transmitting the electric influence."

So, you see, that in the case of electricity and magnetism we have a striking analogy to the process by wrhich positive Thought induces in another mind similar Thought, providing that the second mind comes within the "field of induction,' ' or "field of influence" of the first mind. You will note that in the case of pure induction, in electricity or magnetism, there is no passage of an actual current such as travels along the electric wire or other conductors; but rather a strange and unaccountable "stirring up" of power in the second object which comes within the field of induction of the first one. In fact, in such induction the electrical current is set up in a second conductor which is in proximity to, but not in contact with, a first conductor -the power is induced in conductors without the necessity of a connecting conductor.

But, it may be urged, there is no proof that Thought radiates power in this way. Isn't there ? Outside of the enormous mass of proof gathered by the various scientific societies investigating this class of phenomena, and that of private individuals working along the same line, there is the testimony of recent advanced science that all substances are radio-active, and the proofs of the scientific laboratories that the brain is not only radio-active, but that its activities register on delicate photographic plates specially prepared. There is nothing more wonderful in thought-radiation than there is in the radiation of electricity, magnetism, light or heat-one is as wonderful as the other, though familiarity has made certain forms of radiation seem more commonplace than the others.

Above the scale of light vibrations visible to the human eye there are vast fields of light vibrations which science recognizes by the report of delicate scientific instruments. In the field of the ultra-violet light rays lie many strange forms of chemical rays, and rays which cannot be classified, though they are registered by delicate instruments. An American writer says of these: "In this ultra-violet region lie the 'X-rays,' and the other recently discovered high-degree rays; also the actinic rays, which, while invisible to the eye, register on the photographic place, sunburn one's face, blister one's nose, and even cause violent explosions in chemical substances exposed to them, as well as acting on the green leaves of plants, causing the chemical change of transforming carbonic acid and wrater into sugar and starches. These forms of 'dark light,' that is, light too fine to be perceived by the human eye, are but faint indications of the existence of still higher and finer vibrations- the 'finer forces of nature.' "

Professor Ochorowicz, one of the world's great scientists, comes out with a positive statement of belief in Thought Induction, and in one of his works he advances a general working theory of the action of Thought-Force in this way. He says: "Every living being is a dynamic focus. A dynamic focus tends ever to propagate the motion that is proper to it. Propagated motion becomes transformed according to the medium it traverses. Motion .tends always to propagate itself. Therefore, when we see work of any kind-mechanical, electrical, nervic, or psychic -disappear without visible effect, then, of two things, one happens, either a transmission or a transformation. Where does the first end, and where does the second begin? In an identical medium there is only transmission. In a different medium there is transformation. You send an electrical current through a thick wire. You have the current, but you do not perceive any other force. But cut that thick wire and connect the ends by means of a fine wire; the fine wire will grow hot; there will be a transformation of a part of the current into heat. Take a pretty strong current and interpose a wire still more resistant, or a very thin carbon rod, and the carbon will emit light. A part of the current, then, is transformed into heat and light. This light acts in every direction around about, first visibly as light, then invisibly as heat and electric current. Hold a magnet near it. If the magnet is weak and movable, in the form of a magnetic needle, the beam of light will cause it to deviate; if it is strong and immovable, it will in turn cause the beam of light to deviate. And all this from a distance, without contact, without special conductors.

"A process that is once chemical, physical and psychical, goes on in the brain. A complex action of this kind is propagated through the gray matter, as waves are propagated in water. Regarded on its physiological side, an idea is only a vibration, a vibration that is propagated, yet which does not pass out of a medium in which it can exist as such. It is propagated as far as other vibrations allow. It is propagated more widely, if it assumes the character which subjectively we call emotive. But it cannot go beyond without being transformed. Nevertheless, like force in general, it cannot remain in isolation, it escapes in disguise. Thought stays at home, as the chemical action of a battery remains in the battery; it is represented by its dynamic correlate, called in the case of the battery a current; and in the case of the brain, I know not what. But whatever its name may be, it is the dynamic correlate of thought.

"A force that is transmitted meets other forces, and if it is transformed only little by little it usually limits itself to modifying another force at its own cost, though without suffering perceptibly thereby. This is the case particularly with forces that are persistent, concentrated, well seconded by their medium. This is the case with the physiological equilibrium, nervic force, psychic force, ideas, emotions, tendencies. These modify environing forces, without themselves disappearing. They are imperceptibly transformed, and, if the next man is of a nature exceptionally well adapted to them, they gain in inductive action."

Professor Bain, the eminent authority upon "Mind and Body," calls our attention to the following very significant fact: "The structure of the nervous substances, and the experiments made upon the nerves and nerve-centers, establish beyond doubt certain peculiarities as belonging to the force that is exercised by the brain. This force is of a current nature; that is to say, a power generated at one part of the structure is conveyed along an intervening substance and discharged at some other part. The different forms of electricity and magnetism have made us familiar with this kind of action."

But, most of us who are studying Mental Therapeutics have satisfied ourselves with the fact of the phenomenon of Thought Induction. The above scientific statements are offered not as proof, but merely to give a practical working hypothesis to those whose minds require the same in order to reason deductively from principle to manifestation. Let us pass on from this stage of the subject to that of the "just how to" practice Thought Induction in our work of Mental Healing. A little theory is a good thing to serve as a base and a foundation, but we must not spend all of our time on foundations-rather should we proceed to erect a structure of practical results upon the firm foundation of hypothesis and scientific principles.