The method, or general idea, above referred to is simply this, viz.: The practitioner must take the mental position, and assume the mental attitude, that the physical body of the patient, in its entirety and in its parts, down even to the cells composing it, is PLASTIC SUBSTANCE which may be molded by the thought influence and power of himself (the practitioner), just as the plastic clay is molded by the hands of the potter or the sculptor. The mental images and ideas projected from the mind of the practitioner, and the silent suggestions made by him in this form of treatment, are to be regarded as the tools of the potter or sculptor; and are to be used to shape up this part, mold this one, reduce that one, and energize and vitalize the other one. Under the silent force of the creative mind of the practitioner, the physical body of the patient must be thought of as being built-up, strengthened, and restored to normal functioning; the parts thought of as being built up and energized; the cells thought of as doing their work with renewed energy and activity; and the whole system flooded with vital force and energy, vitality and life. Under the strong stitnulus of this thought, image, and ideal held in the mind of the practitioner, the body of the patient should respond to the ideals of the practitioner, and should develop in strength, vigor and general health.

This same principle, or rather all of the principles described in this lesson, may be used by the person wishing to heal himself by means of Self-Treatment. What the mind of a healer can do for a patient, the mind of the patient can do for himself, providing he has the perseverance and persistence to carry out the principles of cure as set forth in these lessons. The principle of Self-Healing by this method is precisely the same as that of the treatment of the patient by the practitioner.

In Self-Treatment the person should follow the methods and forms of treatment set forth in the lesson on Auto-Suggestion, and also those recited in the present lesson. That is to say, he should not only actually suggest to himself in the way described in the lesson on Auto-Suggestion, but he should also cultivate the art of visualizing or picturing himself as possessing a perfect, healthy, strong body, functioning perfectly in every organ, and perfect in every part. To this he should add the habit of refusing to think of his body as weak, diseased, or imperfect in any way. He should acquire the habit of thinking of his body as already being that which he wishes it to be.

To those who may object that this seems like a case of wilfully trying to deceive oneself, and to delude oneself as to real facts concerning the body, I would say that such is but a narrow view to take of the matter. Self-deception does no one any good-we do not escape evils by refusing to see them when they are present-there is no question about this. But when we come to deal with the Corporeal Mind we have another state of affairs to deal with. The Corporeal Mind has the tendency to manifest into physical form the mental images concerning it which are habitually held in the mind of a person. This is no idle fantasy-it is a scientific fact. Therefore, if the Corporeal Mind has followed after bad patterns, it is necessary for us to hold before it the pattern of the conditions which we wish it to manifest, if we wish to regain the normal natural condition. And, at the last, the normal, natural condition of the body is TRUTH, and we are fully justified in insisting that the Corporeal Mind cast off the result of its imperfect and erroneous patterns, and instead adopt the perfect pattern of that which nature intended us to be, of that which is Truth. We have a right to hold fast to the idea that the Power-that-Is wishes to manifest in the Good, the Beautiful, and the True-and that all else is a perversion of the intent of nature; and to insist that the pattern of Truth be followed as a design, not that of Error and Untruth. This may sound somewhat metaphysical, but it is based upon the report of the great minds of the race, and we may demonstrate it by actual practice.


The third general class of the methods of practicing Mental Healing is that known as Distant Thought Induction. In this form of treatment the thought-vibrations of the practitioner are carried to great distances in space to the patient. In fact, so far as has been discovered, space is practically wiped out in this class of thought induction; it has been found that it is just as easy to treat a patient ten thousand miles away as one a hundred yards distant, by this method of treatment.

In Distant Thought Induction the principle employed is precisely the same as that employed in Personal Thought Induction, plus the manifestation of certain mental activities which serve to carry the thought-vibrations beyond the usual limits of Thought Induction. As I have said elsewhere in these lessons, Distant Thought Induction is akin to the telescope or the telephone, inasmuch as it enables a natural faculty to manifest at a distance otherwise impossible for it.

It will be seen at first glance that the possibilities of Mental Healing are enormously increased by the discovery that Thought masters and annihilates space. So true is this that the greater part of the Mental Healing of this day is performed by this method. Some healers will not receive personal patients, but give all of their treatments in this way; they claim that they can obtain far better results, by reason of the concentration possible only in this form of treatment, and the obviating of the disturbing influences of the personal presence of the patient. So important is this phase of Mental Healing that the student and practitioner should pay special attention to its theory, principles, and methods of application and manifestation. I shall go into this subject deeply and thoroughly in this and the following lessons.