Some crops may be grown from seed sown broadcast, but this is impossible with plants requiring frequent cultivation. Thousands of farmers always broadcast turnip seed, while drilling is a common practice among truckers and market gardeners. Broadcasting is not without merit. It may be done very quickly, and the individual plant often has a better chance for full development than when grown by the drill method. This is particularly true with seedlings that must be transplanted. Some growers of late cabbage plants always broadcast the seed, because they claim that the plants are stronger and stockier than plants grown in drills without thinning. The same remarks apply to lettuce, whether sown under glass or in the open. Most of the arguments, however, are in favor of drilling, and the advantages over broadcasting may be enumerated as follows: (1) By sowing in drills it is possible to cultivate the soil. This is exceedingly important with practically all crops. (2) It is easier to thin when the plants are in rows than when they are scattered. When properly thinned they should be just as strong as when grown from seed sown broadcast. (3) The seed is sown at a more uniform depth, especially when machines are used. (4) In plant boxes or small seed beds water may be applied between the rows. This is often a great advantage when damping off is likely to occur. (5) In stiff soils the percentage of germination is greater, because the seedlings assist each other in their effort to reach the light. (6) Seedlings come up straighter, and may be arranged in a more orderly manner when pulled for transplanting; therefore, they may be removed more rapidly from the seed bed, and also handled with greater speed when transplanting. Both of these advantages are well worth considering when thousands or perhaps millions of plants are to be shifted.