
2 1/4 dozen, using cutter 2 3/4 inches in diameter.

2 to 3 pounds Swift'ning for deep fat frying.

2 cups milk.

1/2 cup Swift'ning.

4 egg yolks plus 1 whole egg.

1/2 cup sugar.

1 package compressed or dry granular yeast.

2 teaspoons vanilla.

1 tablespoon grated orange rind.

2 teaspoons grated lemon rind 6 cups sifted flour.

1 tablespoon salt.

Scald milk. Add cup Swift'ning and stir until melted. Add beaten eggs and sugar, reserving 1 tablespoon sugar to combine with yeast. Mix yeast and sugar together until yeast and sugar liquefy. When milk-egg mixture is lukewarm, add yeast mixture. Add vanilla and orange and lemon rinds. Sift together flour and salt and add to mixture to form a stiff dough. Turn out onto floured board and knead until smooth. Put dough into bowl which has been rubbed lightly with Swift'ning. Lightly coat top of dough with softened Swift'ning. Let rise in warm place until doubled in size. Roll out inch thick. Gut bis-marks or form into any desired shape. Let rise until doubled in bulk. Fry in deep fat until lightly browned, first on one side, then on the other. Drain on absorbent paper.

Frying Time

5 minutes.

Note: If desired, roll bismarcks in granulated sugar or glaze while still hot.

To Make Glaze

Make a very thin icing by adding water to sifted confectioner's sugar. Flavor with vanilla. Brush glaze on bismarks while still hot.