Sanitarium Mince Pie

4 cups chopped apples 2 cups minced protose.

1 cup raisins 1/2 cup molasses.

1/2 cup prune marmalade 6 cups apple juice 1/3 teaspoon cinnamon.

1/2 cup sugar 1/4 cup butter.

1/3 teaspoon nutmeg.

Date Cream Pie

1 pint milk 1/2 pound dates.

2 eggs Pastry.

Put the dates in cold water. Seed and wash in hot water. Put to cook in a small quantity of hot water and let simmer until the dates are thoroughly softened. When tender and quite dry rub through a colander. Beat the eggs slightly, add the milk (preferably hot) and stir into the dates. Line the pie tin with any preferred pastry. Fill with the date mixture and bake until set. Three eggs will suffice for two pies.

Scald the milk. Mix the dry ingredients together. Add the scalded milk slowly, stirring all the time. Return to the double boiler and cook twenty to twenty-five minutes, stirring often. Beat the yolks of the eggs. Add to them slowly the cooked mixture. Return to the double boiler and cook until eggs thicken. Add the vanilla and salt and pour into a baked crust. Make a meringue of the stiffly beaten egg whites and the powdered sugar. Place on top of the filled pie. Bake in a moderate oven until the meringue is set and nicely browned.

Vanilla Cream Pie

1/2 cup sugar.

1 tablespoon butter.

2 egg yolks.

2 cups milk 1/2 cup flour.

1/8 teaspoon salt.

1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla.

2 egg whites.

2 tablespoons powdered sugar.


Cocoanut Cream Pie

1 pint milk 1/2 cup cocoanut 1/2 cup flour.

1/4 cup sugar 2 egg yolks 2 egg whites.

2 tablespoons powdered sugar.

Steep the c6coanut in one and one-half cups of the milk for twenty minutes. Strain and thicken with the flour, rubbed smooth with the remainder of the milk. Cook at least twenty minutes in a double boiler. Beat the egg yolks and gradually stir into them the thickened milk, stirring meanwhile. Return to the double boiler and cook until thickened. Cool slightly and turn into a baked crust.

Make a meringue of the egg whites and powdered sugar. Spread or pile unevenly over the filling. Many prefer the little peaks of meringue to that which is evenly spread over the pie. Bake in a moderate oven until set and nicely browned.

New England Apple Cream Pie

2 cups diced apples.

1 cup water.

2 egg yolks 1/2 cup sugar 1 cup cream.

1 teaspoon lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon grated lemon rind.

2 egg whites Pastry.

2 tablespoons powdered sugar.

Cook the apples with the lemon rind in the water until quite dry. Add the sugar, lemon juice, the beaten egg yolks and the cream. Turn into a granola or plain pastry crust and bake until set. Make a meringue of the egg whites and the powdered sugar and cover the pie with this. Bake in a moderate oven until set and nicely browned.

Tart apples are best used for this pie.