The egg is chiefly protein, though the egg yolk contains considerable fat. The egg white is almost pure albumin diluted, of course, with water.

The egg is valuable for its mineral salts, especially for the iron, phosphorus and lime. These mineral substances are found in the organic form in which they are more easily absorbed than in the inorganic form.

The tendency of eggs toward decomposition and putrefaction leads many prominent physicians to withhold them from their patients.

The digestibility of the egg depends upon the cooking. Egg white and egg yolk cook at different temperatures. Egg white begins to cook at 134° P. Egg yolk begins to cook at 122° F. The white is partly soluble in cold water. The best temperature for cooking is 160° to 180°. A higher temperature hardens the albumin.

Poached Eggs

Heat the water to boiling; break the eggs, one at a time, into a dish; turn the heat oft: from under the water and drop the eggs in at once. Cover and let stand from 3 to 5 minutes.

Soft Boiled Eggs

First Method

Allow one cup of boiling water for each egg. Have the water boiling in a sauce pan. Place the eggs therein. Cover immediately and remove from the fire. Let stand on the back of the range or over the gas plate with the fire turned low for from 5 to 10 minutes, according to the degree of firmness desired.

Second Method

Allow one cup of water to each egg. Put the eggs on in cold water and bring them slowly to the boiling point. Remove the eggs at once.

Hard Boiled Eggs

First Method

Allow one cup of water for each egg. Put the eggs to cook in cold water; allow them to come slowly to the boiling point, cover and turn off the heat. Let stand 20 to 30 minutes.

Second Method

Pour boiling water over the eggs and let them stand on the back of the range 30 minutes.

Scrambled Eggs

6 eggs.

Vs cup milk.

1 teaspoon salt.

Beat the eggs slightly, add the milk and salt; turn into a double boiler and cook until thickened, stirring constantly. Serve at once. If desired, this may be served on toast.

Baked Eggs In Cream

6 eggs.

6 tablespoons cream salt.

Break the eggs into ramekin dishes or into a baking dish from which the eggs can be served. Sprinkle the eggs with salt and pour over them the cream. If a large dish is used, a little more cream will be needed. The cream should cover the eggs. Set the dish in hot water and place in a moderate oven. Bake slowly until a desired degree of hardness is reached. It will take about ten minutes to cook a medium hard egg.

Egg Time Ales

5 eggs.

1 teaspoon onion juice or minced parsley.

1 2/3 cups milk 1 teaspoon salt.

Heat the milk with the onion or parsley, add to the beaten egg, and turn into the timbale cups. Place in a pan containing hot water and bake in a slow oven until firm. Serve with tomato sauce or white sauce.