Graham Gems

1 cup graham flour 1 cup white flour 1/8 cup sugar 1 teaspoon salt.

1 tablespoon melted butter 1 cup milk 1 egg.

1 teaspoon soda.

80 minims hydrochloric acid (C. P).

(This amount of soda and hydrochloric acid is equivalent to 4 teaspoons baking powder).

Sift the flour, salt and sugar together. Beat the egg and add the milk and one-half of the dry ingredients. Add the hydrochloric acid and mix thoroughly. Sift the soda with the remainder of the dry ingredients and stir into the batter. Add the melted butter and bake in gem irons in a hot oven twenty to thirty minutes.

Whole Wheat Gems

Make the same as graham gems, substituting whole wheat flour for graham flour.

Corn Gems

Use the same batter as for Golden Corn Cake and bake in gem irons in a hot oven twenty-five to thirty minutes.

Bran Gems

1 cup sterilized bran 1 cup graham flour 7/8 cup milk.

3 tablespoons melted butter.

1 teaspoon salt 1 egg.

1 tablespoon sugar 3/4 teaspoon soda.

60 minims hydrochloric acid (C. P).

(This amount of soda and hydrochloric acid is equivalent to 3 teaspoons of baking powder).

Mix the bran, flour, salt and sugar together. Beat the egg, add the milk and one-half of the dry ingredients. Stir in the hydrochloric acid. Mix well and add the melted butter. Sift the soda with the remaining half of the dry ingredients and stir into the batter. Turn into buttered muffin pans and bake in a hot oven twenty to thirty minutes.

If baking powder is used sift it with the dry ingredients and omit the hydrochloric acid and the soda. Add all of the dry ingredients at once, stirring in the butter at the last.