The Attica Apple Sauce

Pare, core and quarter good baking apples—cider-apples are the best. Put them in a preserving-kettle and cover with water; when they begin to get tender, strew some white sugar over them and let them boil until done, but do not let them break.

The Y. M. Mint Sauce

Two tablespoonfuls of chopped green mint, one tablespoonful of granulated sugar, and a quarter of a pint of vinegar. Pick and wash the green mint very clean, and chop it fine; mix the sugar in a sauce-tureen; put in the mint and let it stand.

Caper Sauce

Take two large tablespoonfuls of capers and a little vinegar ; stir them for some time into a half-pint of thick melted butter. This sauce is for boiled mutton.

Currant Jelly Sauce

Melt together equal parts of currant jelly and butter—or any rich gravy; season to taste with pepper and salt, and serve hot with cold mutton or venison.

Celery Sauce

Wash a large bunch of celery, and pare it clean; cut it in pieces, and boil it gently in a small quantity of water till it is quite tender; add a little pepper and salt, a piece of butter the size of an egg, rolled in flour, and a half-pint of cream. Boil all together. Celery sauce is eaten with boiled poultry.

Quick Spanish Sauce

Stir one tablespoonful of butter and one of dry flour over the fire, until they are a light brown in color; then stir gradually into them a pint of boiling water; season the sauce with a teaspoonful of salt and a quarter of a salt-spoonful of pepper; add to it a small onion and a turnip, peeled and sliced very thin, a carrot scraped and sliced thin, a bunch of parsley and sweet herbs. Simmer the sauce slowly for fifteen minutes, and then strain.

Brown Sauce

Put in a saucepan one ounce of butter; when it is very hot, stir into it one ounce of flour. After butter and flour are well mixed, put in half-pint of hot stock, then pepper and salt, one dessert-spoonful of mushroom catsup, one of Worcester Sauce. Let it boil two minutes, then add a few drops of caramel for browning.

Pudding Sauce

Beat up two eggs, two tablespoonfuls of sugar, the juice and grated rind of one lemon. Set it on the fire until it begins to boil; then take it off, add one glass of wine, and serve.

Cold Boston Sauce

Stir together, as for a pound-cake, equal quantities of fresh butter and powdered white sugar ; when quite light and creamy, add some nutmeg and brandy to taste. Send it to table in a glass dish.

Wine Sauce

Have ready some rich thick melted or drawn butter, and the moment you take it from the fire, stir in two wine-glassfuls of wine, two tablespoonfuls of sugar and some nutmeg. Serve it with plum-pudding, or any sort of boiled pudding that is made of batter.

Royal Wine Sauce

Bring slowly to the boiling point half-pint of wine; then add the yolks of four raw eggs and one cupful of white sugar; whip it, on the fire, until it is in a state of high froth and a little thick.

Lake George Sauce

Take two cupfuls of powdered sugar, one cupful of butter, beaten to a cream. Put in a cupful or more of hot water, and let it come to a boil, stirring all the time; flavor with brandy.

Cream Sauce

Put two-thirds of a pint of cream to boil in a double boiler, to keep it from burning; add some white sugar; then pour it slowly on the beaten whites of two eggs; add one teaspoonful of vanilla.

German Sweet Sauce

One ounce of sugar, two eggs, one wine-glassful of sherry wine. First mix in a saucepan the yolks of the eggs and sugar; then put in the wine, and put it on the cool part of the range, so as to prevent the egg from boiling; then put it in another saucepan over water.

Vanilla Sauce

half-pint of milk in a saucepan on the fire; when scalding hot, add the yolks of three eggs, and stir until as thick as boiled custard; add, when taken from the fire and cooled, a tablespoonful of vanilla and the whites of two eggs, beaten stiff.

The Potomac Sauce

Rub to a cream four large spoonfuls of sugar and two of butter. Stir it into a teacupful of hot water. Pour this in a clean saucepan and set it on the fire ; stir it steadily until it boils, when add either rose-water or lemon to flavor it. Then give it another quick boil, and grate nutmeg on it.