Bisque Ice - Cream

Take one quart and one pint of cream, one pint of milk, one quarter of a pound of macaroons, crisped in the oven and then rolled, two teacupfuls of sugar, and half-teacupful of wine. Mix together and freeze.

Peach Ice - Cream

Quarter-peck of ripe peaches, three pints of milk and cream mixed, twenty tablespoonfuls of sugar; mix all together and freeze as ice-cream.

Orange Water - Ice

Two to four oranges, according to size, to each quart of water one pound of sugar ; grate the rind of one orange and one lemon, and freeze.

Lemon Water - Ice

The juice of four lemons, the rind of one, one quart of cold water, one pound of sugar.

Strawberry Ice

One quart of strawberries to two quarts of water, and two pounds of sugar.