" Thou needst not sing new songs, but say the old"-Cowley.

"MORTALS, that behold a Woman,

Rising 'twixt the Moon and Sun;

Who am I the heavens assume? an

All am I, and I am one.

" Multitudinous ascend I,

Dreadful as a battle arrayed.

For I bear you whither tend I;

Ye are I: be undismayed!

I, the Ark that for the graven

Tables of the Law was made;

Man's own heart was one, one Heaven,

Both within my womb were laid.

For there Anteros with Eros

Heaven with man conjoined was.-

Twin-stone of the Law, lschyros,

Agios Athanatos.

" I, the flesh-girt Paradises

Gardenered by the Adam new,

Daintied o'er with sweet devices

Which He loveth, for He grew.

I, the boundless strict savannah

Which God's leaping feet go through;

I, the heaven whence the Manna,

Weary Israel, slid on you!

He the Anteros and Eros,

I the body, He the Cross;

He upbeareth me, Iscbyros,

Agios A ibernatosi

I am Daniel's mystic Mountain,

Whence the mighty stone was rolled;

I am the four Rivers' fountain,

Watering Paradise of old;

Cloud down-raining the Just One am,

Danae of the Shower of Gold;

I the Hostel of the Sun am;

He the Lamb, and I the Fold.

He the Anteros and Eros,

I the body, He the Cross;

He is fast to me, Iscbyros,

Agios Atbanatos!

" I, the presence-hall where Angels

Do enwheel their placèd King-

Even my thoughts which, without change else,

Cyclic burn and cyclic sing.

To the hollow of Heaven transplanted,

I a breathing Eden spring,

Where with venom all outpanted

Lies the slimed Curse shrivelling.

For the brazen Serpent clear on

That old fangèd knowledge shone;

I to Wisdom rise, Iscbyron,

Agion Atbanaton!

"Then commanded and spake to me

He who framed all things that be;

And my Maker entered through me,

In my tent His rest took He.

Lo ! He standeth, Spouse and Brother,

I to Him, and He to me,

Who upraised me where my mother

Fell, beneath the apple-tree.

Risen 'twixt Anteros and Eros,

Blood and Water, Moon and Sun,

He upbears me, He Ischyros^

I bear Him, the Athanaton!"

Where is laid the Lord arisen ì

In the light we walk in gloom.

Though the sun has burst his prison,

We know not his biding-room.

Tell us where the Lord sojourneth,

For we find an empty tomb.

" Whence He sprung, there He returneth,

Mystic Sun,-the Virgin's Womb."

Hidden Sun, His beams so near us,

Cloud enpillared as He was

From of old, there He, Iscbyros,

Waits our search, Athanatos!

Camp of Angels ! Well we even

Of this thing may doubtf ul be,-

If thou art assumed to Heaven,

Or is Heaven assumed to thee !

Consummatum. Christ the promised,

Thy maiden realm is won, O Strong!

Since to such sweet Kingdom comest,

Remember me, poor Thief of Song !

Caden t fails the stars along :

" Mortals, that behold a woman

Rising 'twixt the Moon and Sun;

Who am I the heavens assume? an

All am Is and I am one."