The following are standard knots that an accomplished camper should know. Remember a perfect knot is one that's neither jambs nor slips.

Slip knot, running noose, or halter knot.

Slip knot, running noose, or halter knot.

Fixed loop in middle of a cord.

Fixed loop in middle of a cord.

Reef knot or square knot: never slips or jambs: easily loosed.

Reef knot or square knot: never slips or jambs: easily loosed.

False reef or granny: always bad.

False reef or granny: always bad.

Bowline: a noose that neither jambs nor slips.

Bowline: a noose that neither jambs nor slips.

The fisherman's knot. It never slips; is easily opened by pulling the two short ends.

The fisherman's knot. It never slips; is easily opened by pulling the two short ends.

Anchor bend.

Anchor bend.

Weaver's knot or sheet bend, for joining small cords.

Weaver's knot or sheet bend, for joining small cords.

Binder knot, for joining heavy cord, etc.

Binder knot, for joining heavy cord, etc.

Two half hitches.

Two half-hitches.

Picket rope with a half granny and a half hitch.

Picket rope with a half-granny and a half-hitch.

Carrick bend, for joining large ropes.

Carrick bend, for joining large ropes.

Timber hitch: cannot slip or jamb; easily loosed.

Timber hitch: cannot slip or jamb; easily loosed.

Clove hitch.

Clove hitch.

Blackwall hitch.

Blackwall hitch.

Becket hitch, for joining a cord and a rope.

Becket hitch, for joining a cord and a rope.

Wax end lashing; hidden end.

Wax-end lashing; hidden end.