This is a point that needs little discussing, even the sworn enemy was safe, once he was admitted to an Indian lodge "as a guest".

Carver says of the Sioux, in 1766 ("Travels," p. 172):

"No people are more hospitable . . . and free than the Indians".

And, again, I found them ready to share with their friends the last morsel of food they possessed. (P. 269).

The Jesuits testify of the Iroquois, 1656:

"Hospitals for the poor would be useless among them, because there are no beggars; those who have are so liberal to those who are in want, that everything is enjoyed in common. The whole village must be in distress before any individual is left in necessity." ("Century of Dishonor," p. 379).

Catlin, in 1832-40, enthusiastically writes of the Plains Indians and their hospitality:

" I have been welcomed generally in their country, and treated to the best that they could give me [for eight years], without any charges made for my board." (Vol. I., p. 9).

" No matter how great the scarcity of food might be, so long as there was any remaining in the lodge, the visitor received his share without grudging." (Grinnell, "Ind. of To-day," p. 9).

The same authority writes me:

"When Lone Chief had gone into the Lodge of the Chief of the enemy, and food and water had been given to him, the Chief stood up and spoke to his tribespeople saying,' What can I do? They have eaten of my food, I cannot make war on people who have been eating with me and have also drunk of my water.'" ("Pawnee Hero Stories," pp. 59-60).